Asia | The rule of six

More evidence emerges of India’s true death toll from covid-19

New surveys corroborate earlier estimates that the number is some six times higher

AS INDIA’S FEARSOME second wave of covid-19 recedes, the fact that fewer are falling ill is not the only cause for relief. On June 7th Narendra Modi, the prime minister, announced a policy switch that should make it easier for more Indians to get vaccinated. Instead of forcing individual states to compete in procuring vaccines, the central government will now itself buy all the jabs and give out 75% free of charge. The move may restore some faith in Mr Modi’s leadership, after his early promises of a world-beating vaccination programme crashed into the grim reality of surging deaths and shrinking supplies of shots.

This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the headline “Multiply by six”

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From the June 12th 2021 edition

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