Asia | Duterte II: the sequel

Rodrigo Duterte may pass on his job to his daughter

Sara Duterte, mayor of Davao City, has so far shown reluctance to run for president


THE LIST of 97 politicians who registered to run for president of the Philippines by the deadline of October 8th was missing one crucial candidate: the front-runner. An opinion poll conducted last month found that 20% of respondents wanted Sara Duterte, the mayor of Davao City, to replace Rodrigo Duterte, her father and the current president, when the single six-year term allowed to him by the constitution comes to an end in June. There is plenty of precedent for such a succession. Mr Duterte’s two immediate predecessors, Benigno Aquino and Gloria Arroyo, were themselves both presidential offspring.

This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the headline “Duterte II: the sequel”

The energy shock

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