Britain | Health tourism

Wes Streeting, a Labour frontbencher, visits Singapore

The shadow health secretary seeks inspiration abroad

Wes Streeting poses for a portrait in Stepney, an area of London.
Streeting seatingPhotograph: David Levene /Guardian /Eyevine

I s wes streeting, the shadow health secretary, a potential future prime minister? On a recent trip to Singapore, the Labour MP for Ilford North looked like one. Glad-handing dignitaries, Mr Streeting combined the politics of Sir Tony Blair, the boyish charm of Lord Cameron and the enthusiasm for a Singapore sling of Boris Johnson. He was there after receiving a Lee Kuan Yew fellowship, in honour of Singapore’s founding father and a fellow Cambridge alumnus, for his “excellent track record and extraordinary potential”.

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This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline “Health tourism”

The media and the message: Journalism and the 2024 presidential election

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