Business | Posh space

Luxury hotels are having a glorious moment

Rich travellers mean rich returns for investors

The lobby at a Raffles Hotel.
Photograph: Getty Images

IN DONCASTER, A town in northern England, $100,000 will buy you a four-bedroom house. In Dubai, it will get you a four-bedroom penthouse—for a night. The Royal Mansion, the nightly rate for which makes it the world’s priciest suite, sits on the 18th and 19th floors of the Atlantis The Royal hotel. It comes with 1,100 square metres (12,000 square feet) of marble floors, a terrace with an infinity pool, a steam room, Hermès shampoo, $500 bathrobes, a not-so-mini bar and, naturally, a butler.

This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline “Posh space”

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