Business | Pups in cashmere

Who will lead the LVMH luxury empire?

Bernard Arnault sizes up his heirs apparent

Children of Bernard Arnault, the chairman and CEO of the LVMH group.
Photograph: Camera Press

BERNARD ARNAULT likes to describe LVMH as une affaire de famille. The world’s richest man calling the €400bn ($425bn) luxury empire, of which he is chief executive, chairman and controlling shareholder, “a family business” is both a humblebrag and true. All five of his children work for him. And at LVMH’s annual general meeting on April 18th, after we published this, two of his sons (Alexandre and Frédéric) are poised to join Delphine and Antoine, his eldest offspring from his first marriage, on its board. Only 26-year-old Jean, the youngest, does not have a board seat (yet).

This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline “Pups in cashmere”

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