China | Tortoise v hare

Is China challenging the United States for global leadership?

Xi Jinping talks of a “China solution”, without specifying what that means


AS DONALD TRUMP prepares to welcome Xi Jinping next week for the two men’s first face-to-face encounter, both countries are reassessing their place in the world. They are looking in opposite directions: America away from shouldering global responsibilities, China towards it. And they are reappraising their positions in very different ways. Hare-like, the Trump administration is dashing from one policy to the next, sometimes contradicting itself and willing to box any rival it sees. China, tortoise-like, is extending its head cautiously beyond its carapace, taking slow, painstaking steps. Aesop knew how this contest is likely to end.

This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline “Tortoise v hare”

The Trump presidency so far

From the April 1st 2017 edition

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