China | Chaguan

China goes on the offensive over human rights

Xi Jinping tells European critics that former colonisers may not judge China

THERE IS NOTHING magic about the year 1945 to China’s Communist Party. President Xi Jinping offered this history lesson at an online summit with the heads of European Union institutions on April 1st. It was prompted by efforts by EU leaders to explain why Europe’s dark past obliges them to raise rights abuses with China, and to urge Chinese rulers to use their influence to curb Russian crimes of aggression in Ukraine. In particular, Mr Xi challenged comments by the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, that Europeans care greatly about human rights because of the extent of suffering on their soil, notably during the second world war and the Holocaust.

This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline “China sees no universal values”

What China is getting wrong: It’s not just covid

From the April 16th 2022 edition

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