China | Shrouded in secrecy

An espionage case hurts Chinese relations with Australia

The mysterious story of Yang Hengjun who is now sentenced to death

Accused of doing somethingPhotograph: Tanya Lake/Fairfax

In November Anthony Albanese, Australia’s prime minister, met Xi Jinping, China’s leader, in Beijing. Mr Xi declared that China and Australia had “embarked on the right path of improving relations” after years of estrangement. Just over two months later that path has a big pothole. On February 5th Yang Hengjun, an Australian citizen (pictured), was given a suspended death sentence by a Chinese court, after facing charges of espionage.

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This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline “So much for rapprochement”

Who is in control? Xi v the markets

From the February 10th 2024 edition

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