China | Where Sun never sets

How Taiwan still hangs on to property in bits of China

Reverence for a pre-Communist leader may make China stay its hand

Building view of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial House in Macau, China
Does Xi Jinping know about this?Photograph: Getty Images

THERE ARE few places within China’s borders where displaying Taiwan’s national flag is allowed. One is the Sun Yat-sen Memorial House, a museum in Macau where more than a dozen Taiwanese standards are on display. Some are near the entrance and visible to pedestrians outside. There are also two enormous posters that declare Taiwan “the Heart of Asia” (a Taiwanese tourism logo). In a reading room one finds newspapers and magazines published by Taiwan’s government.

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This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline “Where Sun never sets”

From the May 18th 2024 edition

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