China | Last call

Roxie, one of China’s few lesbian bars, closes its doors

Yet another sign that life is getting harder for gay people in the country

Roxie bar, Shanghai
The end of the barPhotograph: Rachel Gouk

For nearly a decade Roxie was one of Shanghai’s (and China’s) few lesbian bars. It hosted speed dating and pole dancing, and boasted an unusually risqué decor (patrons were encouraged to hang their bras above the counter). But earlier this month the bar announced that it would close. It blamed “forces beyond our control”, a euphemism for official pressure. On June 16th, Roxie’s last night, grieving revellers danced and drank while holding a large rainbow flag over their heads.

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This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline “Last call”

From the June 29th 2024 edition

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