Europe | A moment in the sun

Madrid is booming. Growing while keeping its cool will be the tricky part

A southern success story

Customers at tables outside a bar in Madrid, Spain
The same, but betterPhotograph: Getty Images

“JUST TO BE something, I’ll be a madrileño.” Not a stirring sentiment, and yet the line is part of the official anthem of Madrid, which has often “just been something”. King Felipe II made the middling town his new capital in 1561 in part simply because it was dead central and lacked competing powerful institutions; amazingly in such a Catholic country, Madrid did not even get its own completed cathedral until 1993. But later, as Spain’s empire declined, so did Madrid’s profile.

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This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “A moment in the sun”

Who is in control? Xi v the markets

From the February 10th 2024 edition

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