Europe | Catalonia’s elections

Carles Puigdemont aims to reignite Catalan separatism

But the region is tired and divided

Carles Puigdemont, the exiled former Catalan leader
Photograph: Getty Images

“PRESIDENT! PUIGDEMONT!” The supporters who greeted Carles Puigdemont (pictured) on March 21st in the French town of Elne still see him as the true leader of Catalonia. And they hope he will soon be the official one again too. Mr Puigdemont announced that he will lead his party, Junts per Catalunya, in regional elections in May. But he did so 13km from the border, because he cannot set foot in Spain without being arrested.

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This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “The Catalan labyrinth”

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From the March 30th 2024 edition

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