Europe | From Uffizi to office?

The Brothers of Italy take the fight to Florence

The city is an opposition stronghold

Photograph: Alamy

It is barely ten o’clock on a Saturday morning, yet Eike Schmidt has drawn nearly a hundred attentive listeners to a pizzeria in Le Cascine, a large park on the edge of Florence. But then the German-born Mr Schmidt is the most unusual mayoral candidate in the local elections in Italy that coincide with its European Parliament election on June 8th and 9th. Pink-faced and tall but paunchy, he is every inch a son of his native Freiburg. His Italian, though grammatically impeccable, is slightly accented and occasionally hesitant.

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This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “From Uffizi to office?”

From the June 1st 2024 edition

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