Finance & economics | Foggy outlook

How the twists and turns of the trade war are hurting growth

The IMF downgrades its forecasts for the global economy. Again


AFTER WELCOMING the St Louis Blues, a championship-winning ice-hockey team, to the White House on October 15th, President Donald Trump fondly recalled a recent triumph of his own: last week’s tentative trade deal with China. Simply put, America will impose no further punitive tariffs on Chinese imports if China promises to buy American farm goods worth billions of dollars. How many billions? “It’s very big numbers,” Mr Trump emphasised. “I said, ‘Ask for 70.’…My people said, ‘All right, make it 20.’ I said, ‘No, make it 50.’”

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “Foggy outlook”

Who can trust Trump’s America?

From the October 19th 2019 edition

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