Finance & economics | Free exchange

Why two former central bankers are talking about trust

Two books by Mark Carney and Minouche Shafik consider its importance for economies and societies

AFTER THE global financial crisis, people asked whether economists had not misunderstood something important about markets. The trying experience of recent years has some figures broadening the question, to ask whether economists have not failed to grasp something crucial about people. In a new book, “Value(s)”, Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020, argues that within profit-obsessed market economies self-interest crowds out other motivations, making the world a more selfish place—and potentially a less resilient and prosperous one, too. The notion is disconcerting, not least because the dominance of orthodox economic thinking leaves leaders poorly equipped to assess and respond to such claims.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “For goodness’ sake”

The brutal reality of dealing with China

From the March 20th 2021 edition

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