Finance & economics | Slicing up the pie

What could a new system for taxing multinationals look like?

The current system is full of holes. Joe Biden wants to help overhaul it


FOR YEARS governments have grumbled, simmered and raged as multinational companies have shifted profits out of tax collectors’ grasp and into low-tax havens. The OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, estimated in 2015 that avoidance robs public coffers of $100bn-240bn, or 4-10% of global corporation-tax revenues a year. Now the fiscal fallout from covid-19 is adding urgency to governments’ efforts to claw some money back—most notably in America, where President Joe Biden plans to raise taxes on corporate profits, including foreign income.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “The big carve-up”

Ten million reasons to vaccinate the world

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