Finance & economics | Powder keg

A baby-formula shortage feeds criticism of corporate heft and price gouging

The former is a valid concern. The latter is a misleading distraction

Ashley Aguirre, 20, feeds her one-month-old son in San Antonio, Texas, on May 10, 2022. The national shortage of baby formula highlights four larger problems with the U.S. economy. (Kaylee Greenlee/The New York Times)Credit: New York Times / Redux / eyevineFor further information please contact eyevinetel: +44 (0) 20 8709 8709e-mail:

Shoppers have become all too familiar with the fragility of supply chains. In America the latest product missing from supermarket shelves is infant formula. Whereas previous shortages, affecting everything from cars to couches, presented an inconvenience, a lack of nourishment for babies creates serious health risks. So the administration has swung into action. On May 16th the Food and Drug Administration (fda) said America would loosen restrictions on imports of formula. Two days later, President Joe Biden invoked the Defence Production Act to boost domestic production.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “Powder keg”

The coming food catastrophe

From the May 21st 2022 edition

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