Finance & economics | No time to chill

Europe looks increasingly complacent about the winter ahead

The continent has navigated the first cold spell. There are more to come

A person walks in the snow in Lyon, southeastern France, on December 13, 2022. (Photo by JEFF PACHOUD / AFP) (Photo by JEFF PACHOUD/AFP via Getty Images)
Image: AFP

“We are safe for this winter. Russia’s blackmail has failed.” Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, was in a confident mood on December 12th, speaking during the first cold spell of the season. It was a confidence born of a sure-footed start to winter. It may also turn out to have been premature.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “No time to chill”

The winter war

From the December 17th 2022 edition

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