Finance & economics | Princely demands

Saudi Arabia’s investment fund has been set an impossible task

It must earn eye-watering returns while speeding the shift to a post-oil economy

A night view of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Electrifying RiyadhPhotograph: Sui Xiankai/Xinhua/Eyevine

About a decade ago, a flashy, deep-pocketed investor made an appearance. Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) had a mandate to go big, and was ready to: it picked up a $3.5bn stake in Uber, placed $45bn in the world’s largest technology-investment fund, SoftBank’s Vision Fund, and provided half the capital for a $40bn infrastructure fund run by Blackstone, a private-equity giant. It has since bought stakes in everything from Heathrow Airport and Nintendo to Hollywood studios and French hotels. Last year it deployed more than $30bn of fresh capital, making it the highest-spending wealth fund in the world (see chart).

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This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “Princely demands”

America’s pumped-up economy

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