International | Mass killings

Thirty years after Rwanda, genocide is still a problem from hell

Mass killings are at their highest level in two decades

Victims of the Tutsi massacre inside the Church of Ntarama, Rwanda
Photograph: Agostino Pacciani/Anzenberger/Eyevine

The killing started on April 7th 1994, as members of the presidential guard began assassinating opposition leaders and moderates in the government. Within hours the genocide of Rwanda’s minority Tutsis was under way. It was among the fastest mass killings in history: 100 days later three-quarters of Rwanda’s Tutsis, about 500,000 people, were dead. Most were killed not by the army but by ordinary Hutus, the majority group. “Neighbours hacked neighbours to death,” wrote Philip Gourevitch, an American journalist. “Doctors killed their patients, and schoolteachers killed their pupils.”

This article appeared in the International section of the print edition under the headline “Ever again”

China’s risky reboot

From the April 6th 2024 edition

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