Leaders | All we want

A wish-list of centrist proposals for the lame-duck Congress

Good things come in threes. But we’re greedy and have five

When members of Congress return to Washington next week, Thanksgiving will be over and the annual festival of asking for stuff will begin. The Economist has its own wish-list for members of the House and Senate in the lame-duck session, when legislators can be more open to doing business. Since the biggest obstacle to these wishes being granted is the Senate filibuster, which means finding ten Republican votes, this list is particularly aimed at the five Republican senators who are retiring, plus those who voted for the chips Act and infrastructure law, both of which passed with Republican support. In journalism, branches of government and adorations of the Magi, three is the magic number. But we are greedy, so here are five.

This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “All we want”

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From the November 26th 2022 edition

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