Leaders | Delta force

Is Bangladesh’s admired growth model coming unstuck?

A development superstar faces malign politics and rising corruption

A worker pulls his cycle rickshaw loaded with bundles of cloth in Dhaka on January 9, 2023. (Photo by Munir uz ZAMAN / AFP) (Photo by MUNIR UZ ZAMAN/AFP via Getty Images)
Image: Getty Images

Few countries have confounded their doomsayers as satisfyingly as Bangladesh. The “basket case”, in Henry Kissinger’s noxious phrase, that emerged in 1971 from the ravages of the third India-Pakistan war was widely considered a failed state in the making. It was poor, overcrowded, badly run and prey to violent cyclones and the vicissitudes of the great rivers meandering across it. Yet Bangladesh celebrated its first half-century in 2021 as a secular democracy, a model of frugal social development and South Asia’s standout economic performer.

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “Delta force”

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From the March 4th 2023 edition

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