Leaders | Border trouble

Small, sensible steps could help ease America’s border woes

The art of the practical in dealing with migrants, drugs and gangs

CIUDAD JUAREZ, MEXICO - MAY 07: Hundreds of migrants arrive in Ciudad Juarez to cross the border into the United States before the Title 42 policy, which allows for the immediate expulsion of irregular migrants entering the country, comes to an end, in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico on May 07, 2023. While Title 42 is ending, a new policy will be implemented that will enable the deportation of migrants to their countries of origin. (Photo by David Peinado Romero/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Image: Getty Images

A TRIPLE TRAGEDY is playing out on either side of the border between the United States and Mexico. The most visible element is a migration crisis, brought to a head by the end of a pandemic-era provision called Title 42, which has allowed the rapid expulsion of migrants on public-health grounds. Officials have been bracing themselves for chaos after Title 42 expires on May 11th: some expect 13,000 people a day to seek asylum in America.

This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “The art of the practical”

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