The Americas | The Anti-communist International

Latin America’s new hard right: Bukele, Milei, Kast and Bolsonaro

Crime, abortion and socialism, not immigration, are the issues that rile them

A montage of right-wing Latin American leaders on a red and blue background with Donald Trump throwing maga hats at them.
Illustration: Klawe Rzeczy

“Mr President!” Javier Milei could barely contain himself when he met Donald Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) near Washington in February. The pair embraced and exchanged slogans, with Mr Trump intoning “Make Argentina Great Again” several times and Argentina’s new president yipping “Viva la libertad, carajo” (“Long live freedom, dammit”) in response.

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This article appeared in the The Americas section of the print edition under the headline “The Anti-communist International”

China’s risky reboot

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