The world this week


Buddhist monks demonstrate during an anti-government protest outside the office of Sri Lanka's prime minister in Colombo on July 13, 2022. - Thousands of anti-government protesters stormed into Sri Lanka Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe's office on July 13, hours after he was named as acting president, witnesses said. (Photo by Arun SANKAR / AFP) (Photo by ARUN SANKAR/AFP via Getty Images)

Sri Lanka’s President Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled the country after huge crowds stormed the presidential complex. Ranil Wickremesinghe, the prime minister and Mr Rajapaksa’s ally, took over as acting president. The protesters, who are furious about costly food, fuel shortages and their country’s economic collapse, were not appeased. A state of emergency was declared.

This article appeared in the The world this week section of the print edition under the headline “Politics”

Wake up, Democrats!

From the July 16th 2022 edition

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