United States | Pikuach nefesh

Restrictions and rebellion follow New York City’s covid-19 surge

Outbreaks among Orthodox Jews have been hard to contain

Circuit breakers

CALL IT THE bonfire of the masks. That was the centrepiece of a large protest on October 6th by ultra-Orthodox Jewish men in Brooklyn’s Borough Park to protest against new state restrictions on mass gatherings. Some chanted “Jewish Lives Matter”. A few hoisted Trump campaign signs. “We are at war,” said Heshy Tischler, a neighbourhood populist running for the city council who has been leading the agitation, the following night. He also allegedly set angry demonstrators on Jacob Kornbluh, a reporter for Jewish Insider, who was attempting to cover the protests. He was called both a “Nazi” and a “moyser”, a Yiddish word meaning informer.

This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline “Pikuach nefesh”

Torment of the Uyghurs and the global crisis in human rights

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