United States | Down is up

Fewer states allow abortions, yet American women are having more

What’s going on?

Illustration of the body of a woman, holding a wilted flower. The body is repeated in the background.
Illustration: Anna Kövecses

On a commercial stretch of Queens, New York, across from a hair-braiding salon and next to a McDonald’s, two security guards mark the entrance to the Jamaica Sexual Health Clinic. For years this has been the neighbourhood’s go-to place for STI testing and HIV treatment. Joaquin Aracena, from the Bureau of Public Health Clinics, proudly shows its newest addition: the reproductive-health wing. With freshly painted white walls and pastel-green doors, it is distinctly less institutional-looking than the rest of the clinic.

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This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline “Down is up”

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