Improving the response to COVID19 while tackling humanitarian needs in Syria


This webinar will address the progress and needs in responding to the COVID19 pandemic in Syria including how best to support the COVID 19 vaccine roll-out in 2021.

The event will be an opportunity for participants and panellists to engage in a participatory, inclusive exchange on the following topics:

  • Provide an update on the current status of the outbreak across whole of Syria, including disease trends and the risks posed by the new variants;
  • Discuss the plans and anticipated challenges for rolling out COVID-19 vaccines in both government held and non-government held (northwest and northeast) areas;
  • Raise awareness of the needs and actions required to scale up and readjust the health and COVID19 response in the context of socioeconomic downturn and fragility;
  • Highlight innovative designs for outreach to communities towards equity in access to health, and social services
  • Reinforce partnerships to protect the vulnerable by building vaccine acceptance and demand based on priority groups, taking into account equity perspectives to leave no one behind.

Speakers will include:

  • Dr Ahmed Al Mandhari, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, WHO
  • Mr. Ted Chaiban, UNICEF Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa, UNICEF
  • Mr John-Arne Rottingen, Global Health Ambassador Norway, Government of Norway
  • Dr Mohamed Jarrah, Syrian Arab Red Crescent
  • Dr. Yaser Najeeb, EPI Coordinator in Syria Immunization Group for NWS, Syria Immunization Group
  • Dr Neha Singh, Health Working Group Coordinator, NES Forum

Organiser: World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and Norway

Date: 24/03/2021  11:00-12:30 CET


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Webinar, Virtual