Security and stability message spreads around the world on Europe Day 2024

Europe Day 2024 was a great opportunity for the CSDP missions to showcase European values as they highlighted their commitment to peace and stability around the world.

Pictured: Celebrations for Europe Day 2024 took place in Mogadishu, Somalia

Europe Day 2024 was the occasion for the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Missions and Operations to share their commitment to security and stability around the world.

With its emphasis on shared values, Europe Day 2024 was a powerful platform for CSDP Missions and Operations to showcase the EU's unwavering dedication to promoting peace, security, and prosperity.

Through the CSDP, the EU takes a leading role in peacekeeping and crisis response in places all around the world.


On May 23rd, the European Union Monitoring Mission in Armenia (EUMA) actively participated in the Europe Day celebration held in Goris, Armenia. EUMA is a civilian mission which, after over a year of operations, has conducted thousands of patrols to observe the security situation on the ground in Armenia.

The Europe Day 2024 celebrations were also an opportunity to showcase a Team Europe initiative focusing on infrastructure development, green initiatives, and vocational training. This highlights the EU's commitment to fostering a sustainable prosperity in Armenia.

Central African Republic

As part of their Europe Day 2024 celebrations, the European Union Training Mission in the Central African Republic (EUTM RCA) welcomed a distinguished delegation from the European Union Delegation (EUDEL) on May 14th.

Led by Head of EUDEL Mr. Douglas Carpenter, the delegation included ambassadors from Spain, Sweden, Germany, and Portugal, along with representatives from the EU Advisory Mission (EUAM).

The occasion highlighted the commitment by the EU and its member states to promoting peace and stability in the Central African Republic. Central to the discussions were the core EU values of human dignity, freedom, and the rule of law. The event underlined the importance of continued cooperation in the goal of achieving lasting peace for the region.


In Mogadishu, Somalia, EUTM Somalia (EUTM-S) played a pivotal role in celebrating Europe Day. EUTM-S MFCdr Gen. POLI acted as the Master of Ceremony in the presence of Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and EU Ambassador Karin Johanson at a ceremony held in the EU Delegation's headquarters on May 8 2024. This participation underlined the EU's firm commitment to supporting Somali institutions.

Operation Atalanta

Meanwhile, Operation ATALANTA, a naval mission safeguarding maritime security off the Horn of Africa and in the Western Indian Ocean, actively celebrated Europe Day. With a mandate to ensure maritime security off the coast of Smalia, the commitment to shared values was a key theme throughout Operation ATALANTA's Europe Day commemorations.