The personal information collection and management policies, practices, and procedures implemented by the California Energy Commission are governed by law. The California Energy Commission’s privacy policy complies with Government Code sections 11015.5 and 11019.9, the Information Practices Act of 1977 (Civil Code section 1798 et seq.), and the California Public Records Act (Government Code section 6250 et seq.).

Personal Information: Definition and Requirement to Obtain Lawfully

The California Energy Commission may collect and maintain personal information only through lawful means. Agency employees who collect or maintain personal information do so consistent with the Information Practices Act. Personal information includes, but is not limited to, any information that identifies or describes an individual, including his or her name, Social Security number, physical description, home address, home telephone number, education, financial matters, and medical or employment history. Personal information also includes statements made by, or attributed to, the individual, including without limitation information acquired through job applications, employee personnel files, grant applications, contracts for services from individuals, and public comments or questions submitted through the website or via mail or email.

Restrictions on Collection and Use of Personal Information

The purposes for which the California Energy Commission may collect personal information will be specified at or before such information is collected. The information collected is relevant to the purpose for which it is needed. Any subsequent use of the information will be limited to and consistent with the fulfillment of those purposes previously specified.

The Energy Commission will not disclose, use for any purpose other than as specified at the time it was collected, or make available any personal information collected, except with the written consent of the subject of the information or as otherwise permitted by law or regulation.

Protection of Personal Information

The California Energy Commission protects personal information against loss, unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or transfer through a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, employee training, authentication, monitoring, auditing, and encryption to ensure that proper administrative, technical, and physical safeguards are established and followed to protect the confidentiality of the information.

Individuals have a right to access information about themselves and may request to correct inaccuracies. See the contact information below about how to request access or correct personal information.

Website Information

Links to Third Party Websites

The California Energy Commission’s website may include links to other third-party websites. Please read the privacy policy of any third-party website that may collect your personal information. The California Energy Commission does not have authority over these websites or their privacy policies.


Visitors to the California Energy Commission's website should be aware that during the data linking to the website, a cookie may be created. Temporary cookies may be used when necessary to complete a transaction, to process data submitted online, to facilitate an ongoing Internet interaction, or to understand trends about how the website is used. Cookies do not compromise privacy or security and last only until the user closes the browser. Using web browser settings, a user can refuse the cookies or delete the cookie file. Each browser has its own method for removing cookies. Information about how to delete cookies can be found at

When a user visits this website, transaction log information is collected, which includes the visitor's domain name or Internet Protocol address, browser software used, requests submitted to web servers, date and time the website was accessed, and statistical information about which web pages were visited. This information is defined as electronically collected personal information, under Government Code section 11015.5. Under Government Code section 11015.5, a user may request to have any electronically collected personal information about the user discarded without reuse or distribution. To request that the California Energy Commission discard your transaction log information, see the contact information below.

Google Analytics

The California Energy Commission uses a tool called “Google Analytics” to track website statistics. Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit this site and what pages they visit. The California Energy Commission uses the information collected by Google Analytics only to improve this website.

Google Analytics collects only the Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned to a user on the date the user visits this website. For your convenience a link to Google's security and privacy policies is provided. You can choose not to have your data used by Google Analytics by downloading their opt-out browser add-on.


The California Energy Commission uses a tool called “GTranslate” to collect information about translation usage statistics of this website. GTranslate collects information such as translated languages and browser language settings. GTranslate’s ability to use and share information collected by GTranslate is established by GTranslate’s Privacy Policy.

Data is collected for anyone who voluntarily utilizes the “Translate” link to browse the website in another language, other than English. Choosing not to participate in these activities will not affect one's ability to use any other feature of the website.

Transaction log information will be disclosed to California Energy Commission staff to help manage and improve the website. The information helps staff to measure the number of visitors to the different sections of the website and helps improve the website for future visitors.

If any type of personal information is collected on the website or volunteered by the user, state law, including the Information Practices Act of 1977, Government Code section 11015.5, and the federal Privacy Act of 1974, require that it be protected. The California Energy Commission will not distribute or sell any electronically collected personal information about users to any third party. Electronically collected personal information is exempt from requests made under the California Public Records Act.

Online Systems

The California Energy Commission adheres to the above-mentioned state laws related to privacy. Information we collect for specific requests are listed below and is subject to the state’s privacy laws and regulations:

Information Use
Forms Use of these online forms are voluntary for contacting the California Energy Commission. Information collected may include, but not limited to:
  • First and last name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Purpose
User Accounts Personal information is collected to establish user accounts for purposes of authentication, notification, and access to information or participation in various California Energy Commission’s applications and online systems.
govDelivery Email Subscription We collect first and last name, and email address, in order to send updates and news from California Energy Commission.

Responsible Official and Contact Information

The California Energy Commission’s Privacy Officer is responsible for implementing and enforcing the privacy policy.

Send questions, comments, or complaints about this Privacy Policy or requests for personal information access, correction, or deletion to [email protected] or call 916-654-4344 to have the Help Desk route accordingly.


Effective Date: March 1, 2021
Last Reviewed and Updated: February 9, 2024