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About ERA

ERA represents more than 55 airlines and around 150 associate members from across the aviation industry, including airports, manufacturers and aviation suppliers. ERA is a well-respected and established voice in the aviation industry: its strength and influence spans four decades and it has a wealth of experience and expertise. The association represents the views of its members at many different groups and committees across Europe, including the European Union Aviation Safety Agency, EUROCONTROL, the European Commission, European Parliament and SESAR. For more information on ERA and its work, click here.

ERA events

ERA holds several high-profile events throughout the year, bringing together its members alongside senior industry figures to network and discuss the latest issues and developments in European aviation. ERA welcomes accredited members of the media to cover these events to get the latest news and views from our members. Please see the links on the left-hand side of this page to find out more about upcoming events and to register to attend.

ERA at industry events

ERA representatives are regularly invited to speak at a wide variety of high-profile industry events, including IATA Wings of Change Europe, Politico Live, the Flight Safety Foundation Forum, World Passenger Festival, CAPA Live, Aviation Carbon and more. For the latest updates, follow ERA on social media.

For further information or to request a speaker from ERA for an event, please contact a member of the ERA Corporate Communications team at [email protected].

ERA in the media

ERA can provide expert comment, insight and opinion on aviation issues for news and articles in the press. To arrange an interview with an ERA representative, please get in touch with the ERA Corporate Communications team at [email protected]

To see recent media coverage of ERA, click here.

Contact details

For all media enquiries, please contact a member of ERA’s Corporate Communications team at [email protected]