What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ


Viruses causing pneumonia, bronchitis and other upper respiratory conditions are common in the medical field. We expect these viruses to be ordinary.

In most cases of viruses, we treat the patient with what is considered a classic protocol. Then, within a week to 10 days, the patients improve and life goes on as usual.

But the Covid virus was anything but ordinary-like nothing we have ever seen or experienced. We just didn’t realize it at the time.

On January 24, 2020, patient samples obtained in Wuhan allowed the SARS CoV2 virus to be identified and characterized for the first time. In those early days, there was no known effective treatment. In fact, many people were simply being told to go home from the hospital and “wait it out”-and only to return to the hospital if the virus became life-threatening.

As we all know, in too many of these cases, returning to the hospital was too late for that person to recover and survive the deadly virus. This approach had horrific consequences. Wait at home, then, if you’re really sick, go to the hospital, where you can be put on a ventilator. Then wait again and hope for a miracle.

For far too many individuals, their miracle never showed up. If only they could have been tested early. If only they could have received an effective treatment immediately-even before the test results were in. If only.

Early success

We found that a combination of hydroxychloroquine, zinc and antibiotics could serve as an extremely effective treatment, if they were

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