What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ

Silencing Covid science

The true extent of the censorship and suppression of doctors and scientists who did not follow the mainstream narrative of the Covid-19 pandemic is finally coming to light. Scientists have lost their jobs and doctors have been barred from practicing medicine for speaking out against lockdowns, mask-wearing and vaccinations or offering effective treatments.

One doctor has had a $1 million lawsuit filed against him for taking an alternate view, and another had his home raided by police, who didn’t even have a warrant. Dr Jackie Stone, a doctor in Zimbabwe who successfully treated Covid patients with ivermectin and colloidal silver, faces imprisonment, and many other doctors—such as leading cardiologist Peter McCullough—may lose their licenses.

Scientific papers have been retracted, and many of their audrors have lost their posts at universities and research centers or have been “named and shamed” by medical audrorities.

These examples are just

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