Cage & Aviary Birds

Season of goodwill? (You might need it)

BIRDS & BIRDKEEPING Companion Parrots with Dot Schwarz

CHRISTMAS is on the way and those of us with parrots have a lot extra to decide in the way of activities, extra food, presents, guests and so on. My first two parrots, the African greys Artha and Casper, taught me far more than I taught them. Although they grew up to be sociable, friendly and more or less trouble free, I never managed to teach a firm recall.

Some years ago we gave a Christmas party. Guests brought their birds and we all sat merrily at table. Each human had a neatly wrapped package at their place.

There was chat and laughter. Casper left my shoulder, flew to Diana (my one friend who does not like parrots), swooped to

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