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Men Without Women
Men Without Women
Men Without Women
Ebook171 pages2 hours

Men Without Women

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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From a Nobel Prize laureate and “a master craftsman” of short fiction, comes this collection of some of his most famous stories (The New York Times).
First published in 1927, Men Without Women deals with war, bullfighting, and the often-fraught relationships between men and women, subjects Ernest Hemingway returned to again and again throughout his writing career. With such critically acclaimed classics as “Hills Like White Elephants,” “In Another Country,” and “The Killers,” this collection solidifies Hemingway as one of the most influential American writers of the twentieth century. 
“Painfully good—no one can deny their brilliance.” —The Nation
Release dateJan 1, 2023

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. His novels include The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953. Born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1899, he died in Ketchum, Idaho, on July 2, 1961.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    A truly poor collection. Uninspired writing, pointless stories. There is one good one in the book titled "Fifty Grand", otherwise a total waste of time.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    These 14 short stories from Ernest Hemingway, first published collectively in 1927, are not entirely devoid of women, but they certainly are bent towards the masculine. There is a certain rugged pathos to stories about an aging bullfighter (“The Undefeated”), a boxer who decides to throw a fight (“Fifty Grand”), soldiers maimed in WW1 (“In Another Country”), a drug addict (“A Pursuit Race”), and hitmen terrorizing a diner while waiting for their target (“The Killers”, my overall favorite). Hemingway gets in a direct critique of Mussolini and the fascists effect on Italy (“Che Ti Dice La Patria?”), and more subtly given the era, also touches on homosexuality (“A Simple Enquiry”) and abortion (“Hills Like White Elephants”).As with his other work, there is great economy with language, and I liked how what some of the stories were really trying to say required thought and interpretation. There are times when Hemingway provides contrasts without directly linking things, such as that between characters thinking of “Them Indians” as drunken trouble-makers, and a boy secretly loving one of them (“Ten Indians”). In another story, characters view peasants as “beasts,” whereas a couple of skiers had a carefree winter while a poor peasant was snowed in with his wife’s corpse in a shed (“An Alpine Idyll”). In a third, we get the lightweight reporting of a magazine on various topics which also seems like empty chatter, followed by the gravitas of a dying bullfighter known for his courage (“Banal Story”). Overall, I don’t think there are any masterpieces here, but the quality level is uniformly high, and it’s worth reading.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The short-story compilation called "Men Without Women" is one of Hemingway's earlier collections of short stories. These stories cover most things that were going on at that time in Hemingway's life. Covered in the stories, are things like bull-fighting, boxing, war, relationships between men and women and even a story about Chicago gangsters. There are 14 stories in this collection. Whenever I read a collection of short stories I like to pick my favourite of the bunch. Even though I don't like bullfighting and don't understand it, Hemingway's tribute to famous matador Maera, is the story that I liked the most. In his usual spare writing style, Hemingway describes what it must have been like for a famous and beloved matador to realize that he is too old to fight anymore. It's all he knows, so he signs up for a lesser fight, fully understanding in his heart that this will be his last. He does the best he can, and when the inevitable happens, he accepts the fate that he chose for himself. Hemingway says so much in so few words, but he always get his message across by the end of each story. My journey of wading through all of Hemingway's works is proceeding nicely with the addition of this book. I look forward to the next book from Hemingway's impressive backlist.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read this collection of 14 short stories in part to compare it to Haruki Murakami's recent collection that borrowed the title. These are indeed primarily stories of men without women. I can see even a few bits to compare, probably coincidental, such as the story of the boxer in '50 Grand' who is off training and misses his wife every day and writes her letters. I enjoyed reading this, but this is not the best Hemingway and some of the stories are just little slips of things that didn't grab me. Still, it is Hemingway. There are enough good ones, thought provoking vignettes, in here to put this at the high end of an OK read so I'm giving this 3 1/2 stars. Sometimes when I read Hem's stories I feel like a little kid again listening to my grandpa tell stories.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I've never been a fan of short stories, but Hemingway is surely the master. "Fifty Grand" is my favourite. I was reading it while walking around. I couldn't put it down.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    nice collection of short stories.
    They always left me wanting more !
    fast, fun & easy read.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I had to struggle through the book. It was the first time I read something of Hemingway and maybe my expectations were too high. I just pushed through just to finish the book, because I hate to stop in the middle of a book, even though these are short stories. But I thought it was nice that in the little history he comes back to the first story. Now I'm glad the book is finished and that I never have to read it again.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This compilation was more or less what I expected. I wasn't a huge fan of the first story, simply because the subject matter was not one I care much about and it was a little on the lengthy side, but it was still well-written, and I derived something from it, so I still consider it a success. Others of the stories in this book I liked very much -- particularly "Canary for One."I would recommend this collection to just about anyone looking for a short read but pertinent read. 4 stars.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It was short. Rough on the edges at times. Not connecting mostly. As if few interrupted conversations where you yourself end it and walk away. Liked the Bullfighter it was most vividly written.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Beautifully and intelligently written. Emotionally gripping.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is my second or third time through these stories and I was surprised at how much the stories vary in quality. Some, like "The Killers" and "Fifty Grand" are among the best short stories ever written, while others, like "A Banal Story" are not even fully formed ideas.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Lots of short stories which were generally pretty boring and on the depressing side. I've read better Hemmingway!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The future influence Hemingway would have seems obvious in this collection. Yet too often many of these stories feel oddly soulless, like they're technical exercises more than anything else. However, the other half of the time Hemingway does manage to nail a mood or a feeling particularly well. For me the collection is split half and half.Personally, I feel Raymond Carver would go on to write in a sparse style much more effective and heartfelt stories about the trouble between men and women. This collection isn't without certain merits but for something similar, but better, I'd prefer to read any Carver collection.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read a couple of Hemingway novels in high school and since, and I absolutely loathed them... so I was surprised to find I kind of like the stories here! The novels felt stiff and artificial, particularly the female characters -- perhaps this collection is saved by not having any. People think of Hemingway as an icon of indomitable machismo, but I see in these stories an overwhelming panic about masculine performance and the possible failures thereof.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    **spoilers**The atmosphere in these stories is raw, without illusions and cynical. Most characters are not too upset about their disenchanted world. Ok, they’re grumpy or gloomy, but they give a shrug and carry on. The narrator keeps from committing himself, delivering his sober prose stoicly like his characters. But between the lines he shows compassion. Every once in a while he abandons his short sentences for longer ones, more lyrical. This happens with Manuel the aging bullfighter (“The Undefeated”) who is in for a hopeless defeat. Before the bull tosses Manuel, Hemingway slows down the narrative to highlight Manuels competence, one last time. Manuel faces the bull and takes in every detail: ‘He knew all about bulls.’ A character resembling Manuel is Jack, the boxer in “Fifty Grand”. Jack is also heading for certain defeat. Not only is he old like Manuel and does he have to fight a young brute, but he also suffers from insomnia which makes it almost impossible to train. But the nice thing about these stories is that characters are never completely the same. Whereas Manuel is victimised by a commercial and cynical organizer of bullfights, Jack is commercial and cynical himself. He bets on his own defeat, putting in fifty grand. What a fright if he almost wins, against all odds, because his opponent commits an enormous ‘foul’, hitting heavily below the belt. Luckily Jack can persuade the referee that it’s insignificant, and the game continues. Afterwards he says: ‘It’s funny how fast you can think when it means that much money.’The atmosphere is not always determined by sturdy men going about their crude business. In the anti-fascist story ‘Che Ti Dice La Patria?’ the first-person narrator playfully teases his traveling companion. In ‘A pursuit Race’ a just as playful (but also very drunk) racing cyclist gets into an absurd conversation with his coach. And in the famous ‘Hills like white elephants’, one of the few women in this collection utters the maybe not exactly playful, but certainly not sturdy or crude phrase: ‘Will you please please please please please please please stop talking?’ There are many sides to these stories and they all tingle with life.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I hadn't read much Hemingway in a long time when I found this sitting in a charity shop waiting to be rescued, so I thought why not and gave it a go. I read the first story painfully a couple of weeks ago, and put the book down after it - I'm not one for bull fighting at the best of times so you can imagine how I took to such a fully-developed short story about the sport. But I took it up again today and the rest of the stories didn't take long to work through at all. Hemingway has a keen eye for detail and his dialogue is sometimes of the highest order. I can see the genius in some of what he does, and at other times I can see why the critics attack him.

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Men Without Women - Ernest Hemingway


Men Without Women

Ernest Hemingway

To Evan Shipman

Some of these stories were first published in the following periodicals: The American, Caravan, The Atlantic Monthly, The Little Review, The New Republic, La Nouvelle, Revue Française, This Quarter, Der Querschnitt, Scribner’s Magazine, Transition.

The Undefeated

Manuel Garcia climbed the stairs to Don Miguel Retana’s office. He set down his suitcase and knocked on the door. There was no answer. Manuel, standing in the hallway, felt there was some one in the room. He felt it through the door.

Retana, he said, listening.

There was no answer.

He’s there, all right, Manuel thought.

Retana, he said and banged the door.

Who’s there? said some one in the office.

Me, Manolo, Manuel said.

What do you want? asked the voice.

I want to work, Manuel said.

Something in the door clicked several times and it swung open. Manuel went in, carrying his suitcase.

A little man sat behind a desk at the far side of the room. Over his head was a bull’s head, stuffed by a Madrid taxidermist; on the walls were framed photographs and bull-fight posters.

The little man sat looking at Manuel.

I thought they’d killed you, he said.

Manuel knocked with his knuckles on the desk. The little man sat looking at him across the desk.

How many corridas you had this year? Retana asked.

One, he answered.

Just that one? the little man asked.

That’s all.

I read about it in the papers, Retana said. He leaned back in the chair and looked at Manuel.

Manuel looked up at the stuffed bull. He had seen it often before. He felt a certain family interest in it. It had ki led his brother, the promising one, about nine years ago. Manuel remembered the day. There was a brass plate on the oak shield the bull’s head was mounted on. Manuel could not read it, but he imagined it was in memory of his brother. Well, he had been a good kid.

The plate said: The Bull ‘Mariposa’ of the Duke of Veragua, which accepted 9 varas for 7 caballos, and caused the death of Antonio Garcia, Novillero, April 27, 1909.

Retana saw him looking at the stuffed bull’s head.

The lot the Duke sent me for Sunday will make a scandal, he said. They’re all bad in the legs. What do they say about them at the Café?

I don’t know, Manuel said. I just got in.

Yes, Retana said. You still have your bag.

He looked at Manuel, leaning back behind the big desk.

Sit down, he said. Take off your cap.

Manuel sat down; his cap off, his face was changed. He looked pale, and his coleta pinned forward on his head, so that it would not show under the cap, gave him a strange look.

You don’t look well, Retana said.

I just got out of the hospital, Manuel said.

I heard they’d cut your leg off, Retana said.

No, said Manuel. It got all right.

Retana leaned forward across the desk and pushed a wooden box of cigarettes toward Manuel.

Have a cigarette, he said.


Manuel lit it.

Smoke? he said, offering the match to Retana.

No, Retana waved his hand, I never smoke.

Retana watched him smoking.

Why don’t you get a job and go to work? he said.

I don’t want to work, Manuel said. I am a bull-fighter.

There aren’t any bull-fighters any more, Retana said.

I’m a bull-fighter, Manuel said.

Yes, while you’re in there, Retana said.

Manuel laughed.

Retana sat, saying nothing and looking at Manuel.

I’ll put you in a nocturnal if you want, Retana offered.

When? Manuel asked.

To-morrow night.

I don’t like to substitute for anybody, Manuel said. That was the way they all got ki led. That was the way Salvador got killed. He tapped with his knuckles on the table.

It’s all I’ve got, Retana said.

Why don’t you put me on next week? Manuel suggested.

You wouldn’t draw, Retana said. All they want is Litri and Rubito and La Torre. Those kids are good.

They’d come to see me get it, Manuel said, hopefully.

No, they wouldn’t. They don’t know who you are any more.

I’ve got a lot of stuff, Manuel said.

I’m offering to put you on to-morrow night, Retana said. You can work with young Hernandez and kill two novillos after the Chariots.

Whose novillos? Manuel asked.

I don’t know. Whatever stuff they’ve got in the corrals. What the veterinaries won’t pass in the daytime.

I don’t like to substitute, Manuel said.

You can take it or leave it, Retana said. He leaned forward over the papers. He was no longer interested. The appeal that Manuel had made to him for a moment when he thought of the old days was gone. He would like to get him to substitute for Larita because he could get him cheaply. He could get others cheaply too. He would like to help him though. Still he had given him the chance. It was up to him.

How much do I get? Manuel asked. He was still playing with the idea of refusing. But he knew he could not refuse.

Two hundred and fifty pesetas, Retana said. He had thought of five hundred, but when he opened his mouth it said two hundred and fifty.

You pay Villalta seven thousand, Manuel said.

You’re not Villalta, Retana said.

I know it, Manuel said.

He draws it, Manolo, Retana said in explanation.

Sure, said Manuel. He stood up. Give me three hundred, Retana.

All right, Retana agreed. He reached in the drawer for a paper.

Can I have fifty now? Manuel asked.

Sure, said Retana. He took a fifty peseta note out of his pocket-book and laid it, spread out flat, on the table.

Manuel picked it up and put it in his pocket.

What about a cuadrilla? he asked.

There’s the boys that always work for me nights, Retana said. They’re all right.

How about picadors? Manuel asked.

They’re not much, Retana admitted.

I’ve got to have one good pic, Manuel said.

Get him then, Retana said. Go and get him.

Not out of this, Manuel said. I’m not paying for any cuadrilla out of sixty duros.

Retana said nothing but looked at Manuel across the big desk.

You know I’ve got to have one good pic, Manuel said.

Retana said nothing but looked at Manuel from a long way off.

It isn’t right, Manuel said.

Retana was still considering him, leaning back in his chair, considering him from a long way away.

There’re the regular pics, he offered.

I know, Manuel said. I know your regular pics.

Retana did not smile. Manuel knew it was over.

All I want is an even break, Manuel said reasoningly. When I go out there I want to be able to call my shots on the bull. It only takes one good picador.

He was talking to a man who was no longer listening.

If you want something extra, Retana said, go and get it. There will be a regular cuadrilla out there. Bring as many of your own pics as you want. The charlotada is over by 10.30.

All right, Manuel said. If that’s the way you feel about it.

That’s the way, Retana said.

I’ll see you to-morrow night, Manuel said.

I’ll be out there, Retana said.

Manuel picked up his suitcase and went out.

Shut the door, Retana called.

Manuel looked back. Retana was sitting forward looking at some papers.

Manuel pulled the door tight until it clicked.

He went down the stairs and out of the door into the hot brightness of the street. It was very hot in the street and the light on the white buildings was sudden and hard on his eyes. He walked down the shady side of the steep street toward the Puerta del Sol. The shade felt solid and cool as running water. The heat came suddenly as he crossed the intersecting streets. Manuel saw no one he knew in all the people he passed.

Just before the Puerta del Sol he turned into a café.

It was quiet in the café. There were a few men sitting at tables against the wall. At one table four men played cards. Most of the men sat against the wall smoking, empty coffee-cups and liqueur-glasses before them on the tables. Manuel went through the long room to a small room in back. A man sat at a table in the corner asleep. Manuel sat down at one of the tables.

A waiter came in and stood beside Manuel’s table.

Have you seen Zurito? Manuel asked him.

He was in before lunch, the waiter answered. He won’t be back before five o’clock.

Bring me some coffee and milk and a shot of the ordinary, Manuel said.

The waiter came back into the room carrying a tray with a big coffee-glass and a liqueur-glass on it. In his left hand he held a bottle of brandy. He swung these down to the table and a boy who had followed him poured coffee and milk into the glass from two shiny, spouted pots with long handles.

Manuel took off his cap and the waiter noticed his pigtail pinned forward on his head. He winked at the coffee-boy as he poured out the brandy into the little glass beside Manuel’s coffee. The coffee-boy looked at Manuel’s pale face curiously.

You fighting here? asked the waiter, corking up the bottle.

Yes, Manuel said. To-morrow.

The waiter stood there, holding the bottle on one hip.

You in the Charlie Chaplins? he asked.

The coffee-boy looked away, embarrassed.

No. In the ordinary.

I thought they were going to have Chaves and Hernandez, the waiter said.

No. Me and another.

Who? Chaves or Hernandez?

Hernandez, I think.

What’s the matter with Chaves?

He got hurt.

Where did you hear that?


Hey, Looie, the waiter called to the next room, Chaves got cogida.

Manuel had taken the wrapper off the lumps of sugar and dropped them into his coffee. He stirred it and drank it down, sweet, hot, and warming in his empty stomach. He drank off the brandy.

Give me another shot of that, he said to the waiter.

The waiter uncorked the bottle and poured the glass full, slopping another drink into the saucer. Another waiter had come up in front of the table. The coffee-boy was gone.

Is Chaves hurt bad? the second waiter asked Manuel.

I don’t know, Manuel said, Retana didn’t say.

A hell of a lot he cares, the tall waiter said. Manuel had not seen him before. He must have just come up.

If you stand in with Retana in this town, you’re a made man, the tall waiter said. If you aren’t in with him, you might just as well go out and shoot yourself.

You said it, the other waiter who had come in said. You said it then.

You’re right I said it, said the tall waiter. I know what I’m talking about when I talk about that bird.

Look what he’s done for Villalta, the first waiter said.

And that ain’t all, the tall waiter said. Look what he’s done for Marcial Lalanda. Look what he’s done for Nacional.

You said it, kid, agreed the short waiter.

Manuel looked at them, standing talking in front of his table. He had drunk his second brandy. They had forgotten about him. They were not interested in him.

Look at that bunch of camels, the tall waiter went on. Did you ever see this Nacional II?

I seen him last Sunday didn’t I? the original waiter said.

He’s a giraffe, the short waiter said.

What did I tell you? the tall waiter said. Those are Retana’s boys.

Say, give me another shot of that, Manuel said. He had poured the brandy the waiter had slopped over in the saucer into his glass and drank it while they were talking.

The original

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