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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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"The cinematic characters have substance and style. They walk off the page and talk Texas." —The Dallas Morning News

Constable Ned Parker's retirement is cut short when Center Springs, Texas, becomes the latest stop for a murderer who has already hit Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma on his deadly spree. A dead man hooked to fishing lines in the river draws Ned into the investigation to back up his nephew Cody, the new Constable and Vietnam vet. Cody and Deputy John Washington, the law south of the tracks, follow a lead from their small community to the long abandoned Cotton Exchange warehouse in Chisum. The building is a hoarder's paradise: each floor is stuffed to the ceiling with garbage, furniture, books, tools, tires, rats, and filth. But this maze of junk is also host to booby-traps, shafts, and bales. Was this lair built out of desperation or designed to torture and kill anyone trying to capture the elusive killer? Despite Ned's warnings, Cody dives into the building where he confronts both his own demons and a killer intent on destruction....

Release dateJul 3, 2012

Reavis Z. Wortham

Reavis Z. Wortham is the critically acclaimed author of the Red River Mysteries set in rural Northeast Texas in the 1960s. As a boy, he hunted and fished the river bottoms near Chicota, the inspiration for the fictional location. He is also the author of a thriller series featuring Texas Ranger Sonny Hawke. He teaches writing at a wide variety of venues including local libraries and writers' conferences. Wortham has been a newspaper columnist and magazine writer since 1988, and has been the Humor Editor for Texas Fish and Game Magazine for the past twenty-two years. He and his wife, Shana, live in Northeast Texas. Check out his website at

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Burrows (2012) is the second book in Reavis Wortham’s Red River Mystery series. That series grew to eight books earlier this year with the addition of Laying Bones, ending a more-than-two-year wait for fans eager to get back to Constable Ned Parker and the goings-on in little Center Springs, Texas. Fans of the books will recall that The Rock Hole, the first book in the series, ended with Ned’s retirement and the election of his nephew Cody to Ned’s old constable position. Try as he might to stay out of things, though, Ned’s neighbors and friends still find it impossible to break the habit of calling him with their concerns. And if he were to admit it to himself, Ned is kind of tickled by that despite all the grumbling he does out loud about it. Little does he know, however, that both he and Cody are about to be tested by one of the strangest cases and criminals imaginable - and that it will take both of them to get the job done if either is to survive the chase. Someone is killing people and collecting heads - and they’ve come back to Ned’s little north Texas border town to do it. That’s crazy enough, but after what they discover in the huge, abandoned Cotton Exchange warehouse in a nearby town, Ned and Cody are about to redefine the word “crazy.” The five-story warehouse is literally stuffed with every kind of garbage and castaway imaginable: old furniture, stacks of newspapers and magazines, bales of rotting cotton, books, tools, tires; you name it, it’s there in abundance. Unfortunately for Cody and John (the black deputy from the “wrong side of the tracks”) that includes thousands of rats, roaches, and bats that call the warehouse home. But that’s not even the crazy part.Whoever is responsible for dragging everything inside the warehouse has packed it so tightly that there’s no way into around the interior of the building other than crawling through all the tunnels and mazes that run through the trash - mazes that are booby-trapped to the extent that they bring back the nightmares that haunt Cody from his recent experience as a Viet Nam War tunnel rat. But the killer is hiding in there somewhere, and somebody is going to have to flush him out. Guess who?Bottom Line: Burrows is one heck of a thriller, definitely the most atmospheric one I’ve read in a few years. Just be prepared, because the bulk of the book takes place with Cody and Deputy John crawling through the kind of filth and danger that truly is a lawman’s worst nightmare. If you are a little claustrophobic already, this one will scare you to death; if you are not claustrophobic, you may be after reading Burrows. All the regulars, including Ned’s granddaughter Pepper (who still has a mouth on her), his grandson Top, his best friend Judge O.C, and his Choctaw wife Miss Becky, are back - and they are half the fun of any Red River Mystery.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I think it's best to begin my comments with a warning. If you are extremely claustrophobic, you might want to give Burrows a pass. I am, and I almost didn't make it out of the Cotton Exchange with my sanity intact. Now I can hear what you're thinking. If I'm so claustrophobic, why did I keep reading the book? Was someone holding a gun to my head? Well... no. No gun to this head. But the reason why I couldn't stop reading is because Reavis Wortham is a powerful storyteller whose words can grab you by the throat and not let go. From the chilling opening scene, I could no more stop reading than I could stop breathing.Once again there's more to Wortham's Red River mysteries than murder and mayhem. These two books are a pitch-perfect evocation of a time. In 1964, I was a couple of years younger than Ned Parker's grandson Top, but I also played "Combat" and rode my bicycle around town and country getting into things I knew I shouldn't be getting into. If Scotty were to beam me to Center Springs, Texas in 1964, I'd feel at home, and no one would have to tell me to be careful with the gossip who listens in on the party line. Although Top and Pepper don't have the big roles they did in The Rock Hole, Wortham lets us see how they're dealing with what happened to them in the first book. Both children are having problems, and Ned deals with Top's acting out just like my mother and grandfather would have dealt with me. (There are many benefits to living in a small town.) Do you have to read The Rock Hole to make sense of Burrows? No, you don't, but you're probably going to finish this one and then get your hands on that first book as fast as you can.There's a running joke throughout this book in which people are constantly telling Ned Parker, "I thought you was retired!" It reminded me of "Big Jake," a John Wayne film in which everyone thought Wayne's character was dead. "Not hardly," said the Duke, and when he finally got tired of it, he said, "I'm going to shoot the next person who says that!" I was hoping that Ned Parker didn't run out of patience like John Wayne did.If I have one complaint about Burrows, it's the fact that I think the crawling through the Cotton Exchange went on just a bit too long, but I don't know if that's a reasonable observation or my claustrophobia talking. One thing I do know-- the Cotton Exchange now tops Shirley Jackson's Hill House on my list of places that creep me out: "The anxious men beside the radios chuckled nervously and continued to watch the building. They were frightened by the entire horrific night, the Ghost Man, a demented murderer who had already taken one man's life, and a frightening building that was possibly digesting two friends at that very moment." If there's one author I'm glad I discovered in 2014, it's Reavis Z. Wortham. The man certainly knows how to write the kind of story that makes you realize reading it is much more important than a good night's sleep.

Book preview

Burrows - Reavis Z. Wortham





Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

Chapter Twenty-seven

Chapter Twenty-eight

Chapter Twenty-nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Thirty-two

Chapter Thirty-three

Chapter Thirty-four

Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Thirty-six

Chapter Thirty-seven

Chapter Thirty-eight

Chapter Thirty-nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-one

Chapter Forty-two

Chapter Forty-three

Chapter Forty-four

Chapter Forty-five

Chapter Forty-six

Chapter Forty-seven

Chapter Forty-eight

Chapter Forty-nine

Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fifty-one

Chapter Fifty-two

Chapter Fifty-three

Chapter Fifty-four

Chapter Fifty-five

Chapter Fifty-six

Chapter Fifty-seven

Chapter Fifty-eight

Chapter Fifty-nine

Chapter Sixty

Chapter Sixty-one

Chapter Sixty-two

Chapter Sixty-three

Chapter Sixty-four

Chapter Sixty-five

Author Note

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This one is for two educators who impacted my life and set me on this writing course. Miss Russell, the redheaded elementary librarian who is no longer with us, and Miss Adams, my most influential high school English teacher who is still exactly the same as she was in 1970.

Chapter One


Though slight, the wet splat was clearly audible on the warm front porch of the small Lamar County farmhouse. Josh Brooks rocked ever so slowly as the late evening breeze waved the long grass along the nearby fence row and ruffled his curly brown hair. He stared at his lap, breathing as if trying to save energy or control his emotions.


A Hereford on the other side of the barbed wire scratched her chin on a bodark fence post and swished her tail at a pestering cloud of late season flies. Josh’s boyhood friend Kendal stepped outside through the wooden screen door and allowed it to slam shut.

For a moment Kendal stopped, expecting a scolding for banging the door. When they were children, it was almost impossible to remember to close it softly, and every kid that raced through Mrs. Brook’s living room allowed the door to slap shut about every third time.

Sorry Miss Onie! Kendal called through the screen to Josh’s mother.

The neat, elderly house in the small farming community of Forest Chapel belonged to Josh, who had never lived anywhere else. His dad, Oscar, had farmed the one hundred eighty acres until a heart attack felled him one soft spring morning as he fed the cows. Josh turned twenty-one a year after the funeral and married the prettiest girl in Forest Chapel, Beth Dearborn. Miss Onie Mae let them have the master bedroom, moved to the other side of the house, and they never looked back.


Sporting a burr haircut, Kendal sipped on a glass of sweet tea. Everyone said Miss Onie Mae Brooks made the best tea in the county. You need to get that drip fixed, Josh.

The young farmer didn’t respond as Kendal strolled across the wooden boards of the pier and beam farmhouse and settled into a mismatched rocker beside Josh. The setting sun cast long autumn shadows across the yard, bathing it and the pasture in a warm glow.

A tinny radio in the background played a Chuck Berry song.

You know, Josh, it’s been good to see you again after all these years. Remember how it was here in the evenings when we were kids? I really enjoyed those summer nights; catching lightning bugs in jars and playing chase.


Kendal sighed, enjoying the tinkle of ice against the glass that once held store-bought jelly. "Most of the time anyway. When Randal Wicker and Merle Clark played with us it kinda irritated me. Seems like with the four of us, I was always low man on the totem pole. You think it was because I was different? I suppose it’s the nature of kids to gang up on one for some reason. Anyway, it don’t matter none anymore, does it?

I thought about those days when I was in the hospital. There was nothing else to do all those years except lay there and think, or listen to the radio. Most of the time I wished I was back here with you, being a kid again.

Kendal rocked and grinned at a sudden memory. "You know, Randal really wasn’t as good a friend as you were. I guess he and Merle were more like a team, like you and me should have been. That came to mind the other day, too. The radio was on when I was coming down here from Nebraska and I found a station playing that new song ‘And I Love Her’ by the Beatles. That’s when a memory clicked and it was the four of us playing ball out here in the grass, but we weren’t listening to them long hairs back then, were we?

"But anyway, it was that song, this time of the year, and the weather that made me think to myself ‘You need to stop by and see them boys because it’s been a long, long time since y’all last visited.’ So here I am.

You remember that day Merle got an extension cord and brought the Philco outside and put it right there by Miss Onie Mae’s peonies and turned it up loud while we played baseball?

The pleasant demeanor crumbled for a moment, and Kendal chuckled. I’ve always thought Randal was kinda jealous of me, especially because I got a new glove for Christmas that year.

Hey sissy, are you stupid or what? Is somethin’ wrong with you? C’mon and catch the ball ya moron! Don’t be afraid of it!

"You remember that? I loved the smell of a new ball glove fresh out of the box. I don’t even think girls ever smelled so good, except for Beth that is.

Man, wasn’t she something? I especially remember how she’d run her fingers through that Esther Williams hair of hers and pull it back behind one ear, real sexy-like. Oh, yeah, I guess you do, since you wound up marrying her. She was crazy about you from the get-go, even when we were little. I wish things had been different for me, but I can’t quit thinking that if things were normal she might have liked me best.

Josh let the comment go without answering. His finger twitched on the rocker’s armrest, then he settled back again.


Kendal laughed and called through the door. Ain’t that right, Beth? We had some times all right. But y’all were always playing those jokes on me, calling me sissy or sister-girl. I never did learn to tell when you were kidding or pulling a prank.

They rocked while Josh allowed the conversation to be monopolized.

The best one was when y’all sprinkled those leaves over the limbs and trash washed across that little draw down by the creek bottoms and convinced me it was solid enough to walk across. Whooee! I thought I wouldn’t stop falling until I landed in China. That draw must have been fifteen feet deep. Busted my lip and I nearly bit through my tongue. You boys were practical jokers all right.

A sudden gust blew across the road, threatening to snatch Josh’s cap.


That danged drip is really getting annoying. We’ll need to fix it pretty soon. Anyway, Merle was kinda mean sometimes. Like when y’all told me you didn’t want to play. Oh hell, I knew y’all were sneaking off together without me, and don’t think I didn’t see what you did when no one was watching. That’s what hurt the worst, me wanting to be with you and y’all stringin’ off alone and leaving me.

They sat for a moment longer, watching the sun settle toward the tree tops. Kendal drained the glass and set it carefully on the painted two-by-four serving as the porch rail. "Well, we had our secrets, didn’t we? But the things you did…the things you said…well, that’s why I’m here.

My therapist told me it was best to lay the ghosts, and that’s what I’m trying to do. Matter of fact, he’s right and I feel pretty good right now. Going by Randal’s yesterday and this stopover did wonders for me; seeing you, Beth, and your mama. Well, I need to keep moving and there’s a lot of people to visit before I have to move on.

The driver in the two-tone 1958 Buick Roadmaster convertible honked impatiently and then returned to slapping spilled flour from his sleeve. Behind the wheel, Kevin’s tolerance was wearing thin because they had places to go. And besides, he was hungry. He wanted to run up to the Center Springs store. He had his mouth set for rat cheese and crackers, something he hadn’t tasted in months.

"All right, Kevin, you dumb bastard. Kendal stood and stared down at Josh. I made a mistake getting that aggravating son of a bitch out of Tulsa. He’s worrisome and I’m about tired of traveling with him. You know Kevin, though, he’s from over in Boggy Bend. His daddy is Don Jennings."

Kendal adjusted the .22 revolver stuck in the waistband of half-damp, slightly oversized jeans stolen from Beth’s clothes line. A razor sharp Old Hickory butcher knife from the kitchen rode snug behind a plain leather belt. With a forefinger, Kendal reached out, caught a small drip hanging on the end of Josh’s nose, and carefully wiped the red liquid on his already soaked pants.

"All right. I’m gonna drop by and see Merle here in a little bit. You know, y’all shouldn’t a-done me the way you did, but I reckon that’s about settled, and then I’m going to Mexico for a while.

Anyway, you don’t look so good, boy. Guess a .22 bullet rattling around in there behind your eyes will do that. But you still need to get that drip fixed. Kendal laughed, chewed an almost non-existent fingernail for a moment and started down the steps. Oh, one more thing I need to do before I go. Won’t take a minute. Hold your horses, Kevin and don’t you get up either, Beth! You and Ma lay there by the fire where it’s comfortable. Good to see y’all again.




Chapter Two

I was in the pasture, sneaking up on a field lark in the tall tickle grass, when I heard Grandpa’s tractor turn onto the oil road leading out of the bottoms. I got the idea from television the night before when I saw a soldier on Combat use his rifle to push down the grass as he crawled up on a German machine gun nest.

I was making a pretty fair belly sneak for an eleven year old, but Hootie made things harder as he raced around sniffing for quail in the November sunshine.

Truthfully, I was out there because Miss Becky had gotten a call and when I heard who was on the other end of the line, I figured it would be best to make myself scarce. It was surprising that Mr. Elmer Hughes would take the time to pick up the phone and complain about me throwing dirt clods at the pickups passing on the highway.

Great-grandpa Will Parker built our house on a little hill overlooking the bottoms. The main highway coming over the creek bridge from the east was arrow straight for a mile before curving around our house like a stream around a boulder. The high position gave me a perfect setup to chunk clods at passing cars and trucks. I was pretending to bomb them, like in Combat.

The hard sand clods hadn’t actually hit anyone, but they made dusty little puffs on the highway as the cars went by. I had the range down when Mr. Earl passed, and a pretty good sized clod hit directly in front of his truck. I didn’t figure it would hurt the paint on that old wreck none if I did hit him, and I didn’t, but he tapped his brakes and I skinned out of there before he could see who was hiding up near the corner post of Grandpa’s overgrown barbed wire fence.

Anyway, just as I got close enough to get a shot at the bird, I heard Grandpa’s old two-cylinder Popping Johnny tractor turn out of the bottoms. Because the breeze was out of the northeast, I also heard our radio through the open window over a hundred yards away. Miss Becky had it turned to a loud sermon about The Beatles and how that new rock and roll group was going to take everyone straight to hell before 1964 was done.

As I slid forward, I caught a glimpse of the tractor as it came down the oil road on the other side of the pasture.

Then a big ol’ snake stuck his head out of the dry grass not two inches from my arm. I didn’t recognize what kind it was. It might have been anything from a copperhead to a blue racer, but it didn’t make me any difference.

It was a snake and I was always as scared of snakes as I was of a bear.

We froze, almost nose to nose. It was strange, because everything suddenly snapped into crystal clarity. I took in the sharpness of its scales, the pattern they made, and the way its body expanded and contracted as it breathed.

I’d heard enough stories about them who’ve been bit. Doctors tie tourniquets above the bite and make deep cuts with a sharp knife into each fang mark. The arm or leg swells up and turns black. Then the flesh dies and sloughs off to reveal bone and tendons. Old Mr. Harry Nichols was missing the little and ring fingers of his left hand from where a water moccasin bit him when he was a boy and he got gangrene.

The tractor came closer and turned onto the two-lane highway. From there it was only a couple of hundred yards to the gravel drive leading up to the farmhouse. Clear as a bell I heard a scissortail singing while he jumped up and down on top of a telephone pole by the highway.

The sound was wonderfully natural while I laid there and stared at what I finally figured to be a water moccasin. The pool wasn’t a hundred yards away and the snake was hunting, like me. I was fascinated by those glassy black eyes.

Its tongue flicked out.

It was too much. My face flushed with heat and I prickled all over with fear. Before it could coil, absolute terror jolted me into action. I jumped to my feet with a shriek and raced back toward the drive. Hootie saw my sudden leap and shot across the pasture, weaving in and out of the bull nettles and over the milkweeds.

Grandpa Ned waved as we ran parallel to the road. From his perch high on the tractor’s hard metal seat, he had no idea I was running in panic. I was so scared I forgot to watch out for the bull-nettles and brushed one of the plants. The tiny hairs poked through my jeans.

I barely paid any attention to the burning in my leg as I ran to the barbed wire fence and realized I’d cheated death one more time. Hootie slid under the lowest strand of wire and I followed closely behind.

I was safe! No snake bite. I suddenly felt as if I could float in the air like a balloon. My fear went away in an instant and I whooped and charged the tractor, filled with relief.

Grandpa turned into the drive and stopped his John Deere as we cleared the wire. He pushed the clutch lever and grinned down at me. Top! Did you finally get up? Hand me that rifle and climb on up here!

Jittery from excitement and relief, I realized I still had my BB gun. I handed it up, the muzzle pointed away. Grandpa laid the air rifle at his feet, extended a sun-browned hand, and pulled me upward to stand on the wide axle beside the iron seat. His blue work shirt and overalls suited him; soft and faded from scrubbings in the team of square metal washtubs on the back porch. I grabbed hold of his gallus for balance.

Hang on! He pushed the tall throttle bar. Hootie ran in a wide circle around us. The virtually worn out tractor jolted forward, tires popping on the gravel.

Grandpa used to be a farmer and the constable in Center Springs until he had enough of toting the law in Precinct 3. He retired and left his badge on top of the television months before, but he hadn’t escaped the plow. It was a good thing, because we all knew that he had to keep busy. If he sat down and did nothing, he’d die.

From beside Grandpa I could see directly ahead into the hay barn on top of the hill. We followed the drive’s incline to the five hundred-gallon gas tank. He shut off the engine.

Did you kill any birds this morning with that air gun?

Couldn’t get a shot. Them field larks know just enough to stay out of range, but I did get two big old bullfrogs down at the pool right after I got up this morning. Miss Becky showed me how to clean them. She said she’d fry the legs for our dinner.

Hope I get a bite. Here we go. He grabbed my much smaller hand and lowered me back to the ground, letting me dangle for a moment like a monkey before he let go. He passed me the BB gun and despite his age, he climbed down like a young man and stretched the kinks out of his back. After wiping the sweat out of his hat with a faded handkerchief, he removed the nozzle from the gas pump and inserted it into the tractor’s tank. Grasping the handle, he cranked it to prime the pump, and then reversed the direction to fill the tank.

I left him to his business, ran to the house, and yanked open the screen door. It slapped closed and the comfortable smells of fried meat and vegetables drew me to the table sitting square in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded by rough-hewn cabinets, a deep freeze, the ice box, and a homemade china cabinet.

Go wash your hands, Miss Becky ordered without turning from the hot stove where she was frying my frog legs. The bun on the back of her head hung limp in the kitchen’s humidity, despite the time of the year. Two box fans moved the warm air around.

I ran into a bull nettle. My leg’s stinging like fire.

Well, we’ll put some damp baking soda on it in a minute.

She kept the black plastic General Electric radio in the adjoining living room tuned to a station out of Chisum. The preaching was over, and the news and crop reports were on. Mostly background noise to me, Grandpa liked to listen to the local crime report, even though he was retired.

By the time I washed my hands, the table was set. Grandpa stomped on the porch to knock the dirt and sandburs off his brogans. He came inside, went straight to the water bucket on the counter, filled the dipper, and swallowed hard several times. He always counted on Miss Becky to draw a bucket of cold water fresh from the well and have it ready. In the heat of the summer, she kept a big chunk of store-bought ice floating on top.

He pitched his straw hat on top of the deep freeze and went to the bathroom to wash his face and hands, splashing water on the sink and wall like a duck.

Y’all sit down and eat now. Miss Becky placed a pan of hot biscuits on the table within easy reach of Grandpa as he came in drying his face with a hand towel. He took his place and broke one open to cool.

Mama, y’all get ready after dinner and I’ll carry you to town. I need to go by the courthouse and you can get what you need at the store while I’m there.

There was always something to do in the tiny community of Center Springs where I lived with my grandparents after Mama and Daddy died in an automobile accident, but I was tickled at the idea of going to Chisum.

Every now and then during dinner, Grandpa used his spoon to dip from the bowl of black-eyed peas in the middle of the table. He was never one to mind getting a bite from a bowl once he’d finished his meal. Some didn’t like that kind of behavior, but it was Grandpa’s table and he figured he’d eat what he wanted.

Just to aggravate us, he’d even reach over and scoop from my cousin Pepper’s plate or mine. I knew he liked getting her goat, because his blue eyes twinkled while he watched her get mad and sull up like an old possum.

You know, Top, me and you need to go down to the creek pretty soon and catch us a stringer of white perch while it’s still warm. I’ve been thinking that a mess of fish might taste pretty good.

Can we go…

He shushed me with a hand when he caught the last part of the newscaster’s description of a chase through Oklahoma. Listen a minute.

All along he’d been half listening to the news and I only paid attention to the radio once we quit talking.

…multi-state crime spree by these three fugitives. Tulsa police and the state highway patrol think the two, Kendal Bowden and Albert Gantry, have killed four people in three states and aided in the escape of Kevin Jennings, who was also serving time in the Tulsa mental hospital. It is believed the trio might be heading toward the Kiamichi Mountains in southeast Oklahoma. At this time the highway patrol and local law enforcement agencies are assisted by a multi-state agency composed of more than one hundred officers. We’ll keep you updated on this murder spree as more information comes in. Hogs are up, fall is here and the stock report is next …

The sound of roaring engines and shrieking tires burning rubber on the highway drifted through the open doors and windows, causing Grandpa’s face to get red. I knew the reason. Right after he retired and Uncle Cody got elected as constable, local kids realized that the one-mile stretch of highway from the creek bridge to the turn at our house was open game for drag racing.

For years, they knew better than to race right beside Grandpa’s, except when they caught him gone to Chisum or to pick up a prisoner in one of the other little nearby burgs. Now they easily fit in a couple of quick races before he could call the laws, who always showed up long after it was over.

Miss Becky frowned, but before anyone said a word, the telephone in the living room jangled with one ring. Two rings would have let us know the call was for Miss Whitney, who shared our party line.

Miss Becky rose from the table to answer. Hello? Oh Hidy, Bill. Y’all doing all right? Oh, all right. Wait a second. She laid the phone on the telephone table. Ned, Bill Caldwell wants to talk to you.

He knew I’d be eating dinner. Grandpa frowned. Bill’s old enough to know he oughta let a man finish his dinner before he calls. He drained half of his sweet tea before he left the table.

Miss Becky turned the radio down and whispered as he passed. I heard Miss Whitney pick up the receiver. She didn’t like it that Miss Whitney listened in, but there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Grandpa didn’t tell us much when he was constable. The only way Miss Becky had of learning anything was to hear his one-sided conversations and figure things out for herself. She got to be pretty good at it, but unfortunately for her this time, Grandpa did most of the listening. What time did you say you found him? Are you talking about east of where Sanders Creek comes into the river, but before the river bridge?

I chewed on a frog leg and watched his face through the open door.

Well, that sounds bad, but you know, I ain’t constable no more. Whyn’t you call Cody and get him out there. He laughed after a minute. Well, all right. He’ll probably get there before I do anyway, but I’ll be out in a little bit.

He hung up the phone and came back into the kitchen. We’ll go to town when I get back. Bill caught a feller on his trotline, so I need to get on down there.

My lands. Miss Becky raised her hands. Does he know who it is?

He didn’t say.

Well, that’s awful.

The phone jangled again, irritating Grandpa. Does that thang ring all the time when I’m in the field?

It’s usually for me. Miss Becky hurried back into the living room to answer. This time it was her turn to be silent for a long while. Grandpa didn’t like it that she was in there on the phone during dinner time, but he couldn’t do much more than fidget. She asked a few more questions like When did he do that? and I suspect he might.

She finally finished the call, but didn’t put down the receiver. Opal May Whitney, I know you’re on the other end of this line. Now you don’t say a word to nobody or I’ll know who spilled the beans.

She came back to start clearing the table. Grandpa and I exchanged glances. I knew better than to ask questions, but he didn’t. Who was it, Mama?

Miss Becky smiled and picked up my empty plate. It was for me. I’ll tell you directly.

I didn’t like their adult talk one little bit, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Grandpa might buck and snort, but she wouldn’t tell anything until she was ready, so I changed the subject. Can I go with you to see Mr. Bill?

Naw, I remember the last time you were with me when somebody was found dead.

I recalled the blood-splattered living room in Powderly about two months before he retired. The radio call said he was needed pretty quick. We were feeding cows, and instead of taking me home first, we went straight to Arthur City, about three miles from the pasture. We pulled up in front of a little clapboard house to find half a dozen deputy sheriffs’ cars parked on the dirt road.

A shook-up highway patrol officer was standing in the yard. Ned, you need to see this.

Grandpa must have forgot I was with him, because he went up through the door with me following. He stopped at

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