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Sea Witch
Sea Witch
Sea Witch
Ebook313 pages4 hours

Sea Witch

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Wicked meets "The Little Mermaid" in the captivating origin story of the sea's most iconic villainess, perfect for fans of Heartless and Dorothy Must Die.

Ever since her best friend Anna died, Evie has been an outcast in her small fishing town. Hiding her talents, mourning her loss, drowning in her guilt.

Then a girl with an uncanny resemblance to Anna appears on the shore, and the two girls catch the eyes of two charming princes. Suddenly Evie feels like she might finally have a chance at her own happily ever after.

But magic isn’t kind, and her new friend harbors secrets of her own. She can’t stay in Havnestad—or on two legs—without Evie’s help. And when Evie reaches deep into the power of her magic to save her friend’s humanity—and her prince’s heart—she discovers, too late, what she’s bargained away.

Release dateJul 31, 2018

Sarah Henning

Sarah Henning is the author of several books for young adults, including The Lies We Conjure; the Indies Introduce selection, Indie Next List pick, and Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection Sea Witch, and its sequel, Sea Witch Rising, The Princess Will Save You, The Queen Will Betray You, and The King Will Kill You, as well as Throw Like A Girl and its companion book, It’s All in How You Fall. She is also the author of the middle grade fantasy Monster Camp, and appears in the girls-in-sports anthology, Out of Our League. When not writing, she runs far too much with her friends, chases her two kids, and hangs out with her husband Justin, who doubles as her long-suffering IT department. Henning lives in Lawrence, Kansas, hometown of Langston Hughes, William S. Burroughs, and a really good basketball team.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    New variation of the little mermaid focused on the "Ursela" storyline. How she became the most feared witch of the sea.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ok - the story was great but I am mad at the following:

    If Nik just had the guts to actually tell her that he loved her before all this drama then none of this drama would have happened and maybe her and Nik could have had a happily ever after.
    I really can’t stand these cowardly princes who would rather keep their crown and parents happy then be with the women they love who love them in return - is specially when said women choose to sacrifice their lives to save these princes.
    Also, Anne’s revenge was not justified- they tried to save you but they’re only human, get over yourself.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Maybe it was because it is a retelling but I just felt dread the entire time I was listening to this. I just kept waiting for everything to hit the fan. This is not a pleasant feeling to experience while reading a book. Also, the narrator grated on me at the start when she kept whisper-yell her lines. But over time I either got used to it or she improved and her narration was fine.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    *I received an ARC copy from the publisher. This does not affect my review.*

    First off, I'm so glad I read this one, and especially that I stuck with it! I'll admit, I thought I knew where things were headed and was slightly worried around the 60-75% mark (not sure the page numbers on Kindle), and I'm happy to report the end was one of my favorite parts! I wasn't sure, and there were a few points where I was questioning pretty much everything I thought I knew about the story, and I'll admit, I'm glad it shook things up, because it made the end all the more satisfying!

    I was super excited about this since it's a retelling of such a well known story, and after finishing it, I can say I'm pleased with it! I heard just the other day someone say they were 'whelmed' after reading a book, and that's a perfect description of how I felt after reading the last page. Not overwhelmed, and not underwhelmed, but perfectly in the middle, a calm satisfaction. I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes retellings, or who thinks the blurb sounds like something they might enjoy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What a bittersweet twist on The Little Mermaid!
    1. I love the heart in our main character. She's unwavering in her caring, even when people have bad motives and I can get that. It's her folly and her strength.
    2. That ending.
    3. Sea magic.
    4. Set in a Norse setting? YES.
    Overall, this was a good one.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not the book I hoped for, but beautiful, lyrical. Slow burn story with themes of friendship, heartache, love, magic, and the sea.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It was slow start, even after the first death. But man,what a great twist. After ,I'm sure I'm not alone, knowing the original and the santized Disney version, I kept thinking and guessing how this would play out. I was wrong.
    I met Sarah Henning at a DC signing if this but I'll,she gave no spoilers,but u did use rich culture from the Danes and it was throughout the story,which did add a little authenticity to her version of the Sea, a Prince, a Little Mermaid and the Sea Witch.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I've read quite a few different versions of TLM and this had the best back story.

    I'm a fan of well written mermaid stories, especially different versions of Hans Christian Anderson's origion The Little Mermaid. A well written back story combined with a good cover story when there is any cross between the sea and the land is a must. I also need more to characters than surface descriptions and bubblegum love.

    In this book, the back stories for the female main characters were well fleshed out by the end of the book (including epilogue). The male main characters were left lacking. I was confused by the behavior of the cousin on a few accounts. The prince stayed mostly in line with his character, but he was quite obtuse when it came to things going on in front of his face.

    I will listen to this book again, as well as find a copy to read. I was drawn in by a title about a sea witch with reviews and discussion of a mermaid. I couldn't understand where the witch would possibly come from in the entire story as I listened to this dedicated friend miss someone she loved and find someone she felt she needed to save. Then it hit me somewhere at the end, just before it was said explicitly, and I felt like I should have stopped doubting myself when I questioned it hours ago. I wish it had been more of a mystery. That and finding out about the girl from the island with the chaperone and many trunks are two questions I have that won't spoil things.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I totally LOVED!!! this book! It keeps you interested and doesn't read like other Little Mermaid book I've read. The audio book takes the story to another level with the talent of the reader! Great voice and read it beautifully!!! I can't wait for the next book to come out to see where Sara Hennings takes the story too!!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow, what a creative story! I love the different twists, while I had a hunch it definitely wasn't too obvious. It had a good pace and the characters are really likable. It is easy to root for Evie and to be suspicious of others. The ending was a little sad which was to be expected but I love the different elements from similar stories and the added suspense was refreshing! I'll definitely read more from this author!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My thanks to Edelweiss, Katherine Teigen Books, Harper Collins Canada and Sarah Henning for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own and independent of receiving an advanced copy.I fell in love with this story. There is nothing that I look forward to more than a good retelling of an old tale. And is there anything older than sea? This is the prequel to “The Little Mermaid” and tells the story of how the sea witch (dubbed Ursula in the Disney version) came to be. How wonderful, when an author can create an original backstory for a character that has always been one dimensional. How the villain became the villain. We get a chance to see the history of this character and discover what might have made them evil. It’s like looking through history with a different lens, you recognize the events but there is a new perspective. I recently read another one of these retellings about Cinderella’s wicked stepmother, but I enjoyed “Sea Witch” so much more. The story was far more entertaining, the arc more exciting, the characters more enticing and overall it was more delightful.The tale takes place in Denmark, when kings and queens ruled. Setting it in a land far away adds an extra layer of mystery and charm and introduces new customs and traditions to the reader. Told by Evelyn, the story focuses on three best friends who grow up in this small fishing village. Nik is a prince who will one day take over from his father. He is at the age where he must leave his childhood behind and learn to step into his new role. Evelyn comes from a poor family with no title. Her aunt saved the king’s life and that has given her family special status. It has allowed Evelyn to have a close relationship with Nik, despite their social status. This has caused people in town to think Evie is trying to rise above her station. Magic is forbidden and anyone practising witchcraft will be put to death. Evie can feel the magic pulsing in her and has been practising, in secret, testing out her new powers. Anna, a blond eyed beauty and a titled lady, begins to fall in love with Nik. One day while the three are hanging out there is an accident and Anna drowns. Evie feels responsible for Anna’s death and Nik tried to save Anna, but failed. Her death has had a huge impact on their lives. That is the backdrop and I don’t want to reveal any more because it might spoil the tale. Better to experience things as they unfold. There are all the usual tropes you would expect. A parent dies, a prince is in peril, a Queen disapproves, forbidden love, the temptation of magic, townspeople against a misunderstood girl, and mermaids, but in Henning’s hands it feels fresh and new. The suspense is created by sprinkling chapters throughout the main story that start four years prior. Each one of these chapters builds until it catches up in time to the story being told. There are strong female characters, with the men taking a back seat. But know that this is not a romance novel. The love stories are not developed. The entry point is that they are already established and you have to go with it. If you are expecting it to have a romantic build up where you fall in love with the couple as the story is taking place, this is not that story. It didn’t personally bother me but I know other people found this problematic. I just accepted that Evie loved Iker and didn’t really need the “falling in love” narrative. It is about friendship but Anna is dead from the beginning of the story so that leaves a major part under developed. We only get Evie’s perspective so we don’t really know how Anna felt about the threesome. The historical information is very detailed but hit and miss on accuracy. I was checking on Google and some stuff was factual and other stuff completely made up. Don’t use foreign words if they don’t mean anything - too confusing! I would have loved more magic interwoven in the story, or maybe just more prominent a role. The writing was good but I found that there were too many run on sentences, with flowery detail, that wasn’t relevant and didn’t add to the story in any significant way. In fact, it detracted from the story and it gave a more juvenile feel to the whole thing. I tended to skim over those parts because overall I was enjoying the story. Although I believe it can still be categorized as YA, I think older, more sophisticated readers won’t enjoy it as much. One thing I love to do as a teacher is to have kids step into the shoes of someone and try and see things from their perspectives. Get all the facts before you form your opinion. One of the best ways to do that is with a fairy tale. Give a voice to all the characters in the story that we really don’t know anything about. It can open up minds, create empathy and understanding. “Sea Witch” will be great fodder in my classroom!

Book preview

Sea Witch - Sarah Henning


Two small pairs of boots echoed on the afternoon cobblestonesone pair in a sprint, the other in a stumble and slide. A blond girl, no older than five, dragged a raven-haired girl an inch taller and a year older down the sea lane toward a small cottage.

The dark-haired girl’s lungs were sputtering, each inhale a failure.

She was drowning on dry land.

As the house came into view, the blond girl opened her mouth to scream for help but before any sound could come out, the other girl’s mother burst through the door. Like she knew what had happened—she always seemed to know what they’d done.

Evie! the mother cried, cradling her daughter in a heap at her chest and running toward the cottage. Anna, she said to the little blonde, who was panting from carrying her friend so far, fetch the royal physician—



The girl didn’t protest again, fine boots clacking against the cobblestones as she regained speed.

When her mother shut the cottage door tightly behind them, the raven-headed girl knew the physician’s medicine wouldn’t heal her.

Only one thing would.

Gianni! The mother called, and the girl’s father poked his head out of the bedroom, his face slack with the sleep he wasn’t allowed on his latest whaling trip.

Evie . . . what—

A broken rib. Maybe a punctured lung. She laid the girl in her bed and ripped the girl’s bodice to her navel. Blood under the skin showed black across the expanse of the little girl’s ribs, fissures like spiderwebs crossed from spine to sternum. The mother tried to read her daughter’s dark eyes. What happened?

The girl licked her lips before inhaling just enough air to speak.

I saved Nik.

That was true. And the little girl was proud. Daring to smile despite the pain.

They’d spent the morning together—the blonde, the raven-haired girl, and their boy—running through the waves, climbing rocks, dancing in the sand. But then the afternoon came and it was time for them to part. The boy sent back to his castle, the little girls home—the younger one to her mansion, ten times the size of the other girl’s tiny cottage.

Mischievous and sunburnt, they ran in protest, the boy leading the way, holding the girls’ hands as they raced across the stepping-stone rocks that led into the cove. They giggled and shrieked as they hopped from rock to rock, the boy’s minder chiding them from the shore.

But one rock was slick with moss. The boy slipped—falling backward, the base of his skull aimed directly at a crook of solid stone.

In a blink, the little girl made her choice.

She threw her body between the boy and the jagged edge of the rock. Her back took the hit with a huge crack. Her head snapped back, her skull missing impact by a hair. Just as she hit, the boy’s head bounced onto the pilled cotton of her bodice rather than smashing into the rock.

It was a thing of magic that she’d made it in time.

They were caught then. The boy’s minder yanked them back onto the beach and told them in stern tones to never do that again. Then the old woman hauled the boy away without a good-bye, leaving the girls on the sand.

As they turned for home, the little raven-haired girl stumbled, the shock wearing off and the pain beginning. It radiated up her back, around her rib cage, to the front of her dress. She couldn’t catch her breath, each inhale stopping short. The little blonde said she’d walk her friend home but by the time they made it to the sea lane, the raven-headed girl couldn’t stand, all her weight on the blonde’s shoulders.

Oh, Evie . . . , the girl’s mother said. As if she’d seen it all. Immediately, she sent her husband for her bottles. Her inks. Not that one. This one. She laid the girl in her bed and lit a fire with a snap of her fingers.

And tried every healing spell she knew.

It only took seconds to know none of them would work. The girl’s breath withered until it was almost nothing at all.

The mother wept, wishing for her sister—the strongest witch. Healer of Kings, reviving those in power who turn a blind eye to magic when their lives depend on it, but banish it when it doesn’t. She was the reason the physician might come at all—though he would be too late. As would Hansa, a day away, healing yet another noble.

The girl’s father pressed his hand into his wife’s shoulder and wiped away her tears. Then he squeezed his daughter’s hand, already growing cold, her circulation failing.

I’ll go fetch the minister—

Not yet, the mother said, determination ringing in her voice. The girl’s mother stood at the edge of the bed, her shoulders now pin straight, her voice calm and direct. There is one more spell I can try.

With gentle fingers, she painted octopus ink across the little girl’s cheeks, down her neck, and across her chest. Then her mother laid her hands gently over the girl’s chest.

Don’t you worry, Evie.

The words she said next were old and dark, and the little girl didn’t understand them. They made her blood crackle like the fire across the room. Stole the air from the cottage. Made her mother shake, violently, as she held her hands to her daughter’s skin.

The little girl couldn’t do anything but watch her mother, her veins singing. Soon, her mother’s palms on her skin became more than damp. They began to burn.

And then the pain stopped. Air rushed into the little girl’s lungs, and her chest rose. She exhaled, long and deep.

At that the girl’s mother smiled—just before her own body began to seize, her eyes rolling back in her head.

It was too much. The mother’s chest compressed, a long breath pushing out—but no inhale following.

Greta! Greta! The girl’s father placed his hands on his wife’s face, his palms burning and flying away, suddenly red.

The prickle in the little girl’s blood spiked with fear. She struggled to pull herself to sit, her mother’s hands sliding away as her form slumped over and her pale cheek smashed into the bedsheet. The little girl didn’t hesitate, reaching for her mother’s potions. She turned her mother’s head to face upward before smearing ink across those pale cheeks, her little fingers blistering with the touch. Her own skin was pink and warm and full of life as her mother’s skin turned as white as snow, as hot as ash.

The girl was smart, though. She’d watched her mother enough. She knew how these spells worked. Magic was barter—the right words, actions, potions for the right result.

She put her hands on her mother’s face and began repeating those strange words.

Words of life.

Evelyn, no! Her father didn’t move, just screamed, fear freezing him to his spot at the foot of the bed.

But the little girl had fumbled her way through the words enough that her own skin began to grow hot. The pain returned. Her breath became shallow. Then her mother’s eyes flew open, showing beautiful hazel instead of the whites.

It was working.

Her father looked from his wife to his daughter. Those words were dark. Old. Powerful. He knew this as much as he knew his native tongue.

Her mother’s lips began moving. She took a deep breath. Gefa! With this single command, she stole the words right from the little girl’s mouth. Dark words and dark magic and all sound gone from the girl’s powerful tongue.

Still, the child kept going, chest heaving—she was yelling but could not be heard. Tears as dark as night flowed down her little cheeks. Black coating her vision, the girl began to wail without sound, her whole body shaking.

And, with her last wisp of energy, the girl’s mother looked to her father.

Bring Hansa home. Tell her. Promise.

As he nodded, her mother whispered one last spell, and the little girl’s screams filled the air, black tears dripping onto her ruined dress.

No, Mama, no!

The little girl grabbed her mother’s hand, still burning to the touch, and saw the light flee from her hazel eyes.



She is just as likely to bestow a kiss as to steal the breath from your lips. Beautiful and cruel, and every glimmering wrinkle in between. Filling our bellies and our coffers when she is generous. Coolly watching as we don black and add tears to her waters when she is wicked.

Only the tide follows her moods—giving and taking at the same salty rate.

Still, she is more than our witch—she’s our queen.

In all her spells and tantrums, she is one of us. The crown jewel of Havnestad, nuzzled against our shores—for better or worse.

Tonight, dressed in her best party finery, she appears calm, anger buried well below her brilliant surface. Still, there’s a charge in the air as the stars wink with the coming summer solstice and the close of Nik’s sixteenth birthday.

Formally: Crown Prince Asger Niklas Bryniulf Øldenburg III, first in line to the throne of the sovereign kingdom of Havnestad.

Informally: just Nik.

But just Nik isn’t quite right either. He’s not just anything to me. He’s my best friend. My only friend, really.

And now he’s dancing with Malvina across the deck of his father’s grand steamship. That is, if you can call her violent tossing and whirling dancing. My stomach lurches as Nik comes within inches of tipping over the rail after she forces an overenthusiastic spin. I wish she’d just give it up.

Malvina, formally Komtesse Malvina Christensen, is a perpetual royal suitor. She and her father have been vying for King Asger’s attention for years, hoping he will make the match. Yet despite Nik’s good-natured patience for her dancing, I have my doubts there will be a royal wedding in their future.

I want to look away from the pink silk blur of Malvina, but Nik’s eyes are begging me to rescue him. Pleading. Silently calling my name across the distance—Evvvvvvieee.

I am the only one who can save him. Every youth in town is here, but no one else can cut in on a girl like Malvina. For the others, there would be consequences—lost invitations to galas, the oldest horse on the weekend hunt, a seat at the table next to one’s senile great-tante instead of the Komtesse. For me, there are none of those things. You can’t fall far in society if you’re not part of it to begin with.

After another aggressive turn, I finally stride onto the makeshift dance floor, ignoring a chorus of smirks as I go—they’ve seen this play before. Malvina will be the victim, I’ll be the villain, and Nik will let it happen. It can be a messy business, being the crown prince’s confidante; enduring small humiliations is only a fraction of the cost. But I won’t apologize for helping him. We all make compromises in friendships, and having Nik’s loyalty when no one else will even look me in the eye is worth every criticism I face.

I tap the girl on one sturdy shoulder, screw my face into exaggerated panic, and point to the eight-layered, blue-sugar-spackled monstrosity she insisted on crafting.

Oh, angels, Evie! What is it? Malvina barks.

The cake’s icing—

"Fondant," she corrects, as if I’ve spit on her oma’s grave.

"The fondant—it’s bulging."

True panic colors her features as her feet refuse to move. Torn between dancing with Nik and rescuing her masterpiece from a bulbous fate, her eyes skip to my face for a moment, incredulous. She fears I’ve purposely stolen her turn. It’s just the sort of thing the girls of Havnestad think I would do—the ones whispering in the shadows about us now. Except in this case, they’re right.

Do your duty, Malvina. It was lovely dancing with you. Nik bends into a slight bow, royal manners on display, not a hint of displeasure in his features.

When his eyes cut away, Malvina sneaks a glare my way, her disdain for me as clear as her worry that I’m actually telling the truth. She doesn’t need to say what she’s thinking, and she won’t—not if she ever wants to dance with Nik again. So, when Nik completes his bow, she simply plasters on a trained smile and leaves him with the most perfect curtsy before running off in a rush of golden hair and intent.

Now Nik bows deeply to me as if I’m his newest suitor, his mop of black hair briefly obscuring his coal-dark eyes. May I have the remainder of this dance, my lady?

My lips curl into a smile as my legs automatically dip into a polite curtsy. My lady. Despite how good those words feel, they’re enough to earn me the ire of everyone on this boat. To them I am just the royal fisherman’s daughter abusing the prince’s kindness, using him for his station. They won’t believe we’re just friends, as we’ve always been, since we were in diapers. Before I knew what I was and he knew who he was meant to be.

But of course, Crown Prince Niklas, I reply.

He meets my eyes, and we both burst out laughing. Formality has never worn well between us—regardless of Nik’s training.

We settle in and begin to waltz across the deck. He has a good foot on me, but he’s practiced at leaning in—whispers are often our most convenient language.

Took you long enough, he says, twirling me through the last bars of the song.

I wanted to see how long you’d stay dry.

He gasps with false horror in my ear, a smile tingeing it. You’d send your own best friend swimming with the mermaids on his birthday?

I hear they’re beautiful—not a bad present for a teenage boy.

They also prefer their presents not breathing.

My eyes shoot to his. I can feel the slightest tremble in my jaw. Today would’ve been our friend Anna’s birthday too. It still is, though she is no longer here to celebrate it. She was exactly a year younger than Nik. We’d each had our share of close calls in those days, the great and powerful goddess Urda seeming to want us all for herself. But we lost Anna. I glance down, feeling tears hot against my lash line, even after four years’ time. Nik sighs and tugs a curl off my face. He waits until I finally glance up. There’s a soft smile riding his lips, and I know he regrets pulling us from a place of joy to one so fraught. Well, thank you for saving me, Evie. As always.

It’s as good a subject change as any, but it’s not enough—and we both know it. I take a deep breath and look over Nik’s shoulder, not trusting myself to say more. I swallow and try to concentrate on the party. Everything here has been borrowed for Nik’s celebration—the ship, the free-flowing hvidtøl, the band, two servants, and a coal man—and it’s beautiful. I focus on the miniature lanterns ringing the deck, the golden thread of my single fancy dress catching their glow.

Suddenly, Malvina hoists herself onto the dessert table, still frantically trying to control the cake’s growing bulge. I expect Nik to laugh, or at least knock out a very royal snort, but instead he’s looking over my shoulder, portside, at the sea. I follow his eyes, and my heart sputters to a stop when I make out a swift schooner, the familiar line of a boy—a man—adjusting the sail.

Iker . . . His name falls from my lips in a sigh before I can catch it. I meet Nik’s eyes, a blush crawling up my cheeks. I didn’t know he was coming.

Neither did I. He shrugs and raises a brow. But Iker’s not exactly one to confirm an invitation. Missed that day at prince school. The lecture about being on time, too.

I believe it’s called ‘fashionably late,’ I say.

Yes, well, I suppose I wouldn’t know, Nik says with a laugh.

The little schooner closes in, and I see that it’s only Iker—he hasn’t brought a crew with him from Rigeby Bay, not that I’d expect him to. He’s a weather-worn fisherman trapped in a life designed for silk and caviar. He redirects the mainsail perfectly, his muscles tensing tightly as he aims straight for his cousin’s form.

Nik leans to my ear. There goes my dancing partner.

I punch him on the arm. You don’t know that.

True, but I do know how you’ve looked at him since my cake had about ten fewer candles on it.

I roll my eyes, but I can’t help a smile creeping up my lips. He’s somewhat right, though now isn’t the best time to argue that the way I looked at Iker changed from brotherly to something else entirely about four years ago, not ten.

I clear my throat. I’m sure Malvina won’t mind—she’s almost finished with your cake, I say, nodding in the direction of the blue monstrosity but never taking my eyes off Iker as he readies to throw up a line to the steamer.

Nik hugs me close and dips down to my ear. You’re such a ravishingly loyal friend.

Always have been. Always will be.

’Tis true. Nik grins before waving a long arm above his head. Well, if it isn’t the crown prince of Rigeby Bay!

And here I hoped to surprise you, Iker says, laughing. Can’t surprise a lighthouse of a man on his own boat, I suppose.

Nik laughs, standing even taller. Not if I’m turned the right way.

Iker laughs even deeper. There is salt in his hair and few days’ worth of scruff lining his strong jawline, but he strides across his deck with the elegance of a prince. He glances up at me, his eyes briefly betraying a hint of doubt about the sturdiness of my frame, but tosses the line to me anyway. I catch it, securing it with a knot I learned from Father.

Iker hauls himself up the rope and onto the ship. He manages to land on the small patch of deck just between Nik and myself. Behind us a crowd has gathered.

Happy birthday, Cousin. Eyes laughing, Iker claps Nik on the back and brings him in for a hug, his toned arms fully encasing Nik’s spindly-yet-strong form.

When they release, Iker’s eyes go right to me. They’re the clearest of blues—like ancient ice in the fjords of the north.

Evelyn, he says, still retaining an air of formality from his upbringing, but he then shockingly pulls me into a hug.

I freeze, eyes on Nik as he and everyone else on the ship stares. Iker doesn’t seem to notice or care and pulls me tighter, his arms wrapped around my waist. Warm from ship work, he smells of salt and limes. His shirt is freckled with water droplets, onyx on the starched gray fabric—the sea leaving her mark.

When the moment is over and he lets me go, an arm lingers across my shoulders. I try to ignore the question nagging me, the one I’m sure everyone else is asking too. Why me? We’ve known each other since we were children, but he’s never shown me this kind of affection before. I’m not his type. I’m not anyone’s type. Yet Iker continues to act as if it’s all completely normal. He turns to Nik, to the crowd, and grins that perfect smile.

Good people of Havnestad, he says, his voice commanding yet sincere. Then the grin grows wider. Let’s give the prince a celebration so hearty, he’ll never forget it.



Still warm from Iker’s strong embrace, I twirl across the dance floor in his arms.

I tried to tell Iker we shouldn’t, but he wouldn’t hear of it. Let them talk, Iker said. If only he knew how much they already did.

I can sense Malvina’s eyes following me. Yes, Malvina, this is what it looks like when someone dances without fearing for his life. But I try not to think about her. I want to remember this moment, even the smallest details. Everything about him wears like oiled leather and loved muslin. His hands are rough and worn from the sea, and yet they are gentle, his thumb delicately caressing mine.

My twelve-year-old fantasies were never this detailed—hardly anything beyond me in a grand purple gown and Iker in his royal finery hand-in-hand on a stroll through the palace gardens. The reality is so different, so intense, and I’m not sure I’m handling it well. I know I’m not. Can he feel my palms sweating? My heart beating loudly against his chest?

I saw you from my deck, you know, he whispers in my ear. Before coming aboard. You’ve never looked more beautiful, Evie. And I’ve never begged the gods to steer my ship faster.

I don’t know what to say, my voice seizing in my throat. I look around instead, trying to organize my thoughts. The sun has completely set, the last strands of light gone with our plates in a rush and clatter of tiny quail bones, torsk tails, pea pods, and strawberry hulls. And though the entire ship deck is still lit by a ring of miniature lanterns, the remaining shadow is enough that it almost feels as if we’re alone.

Just a boy, a girl, and the sea.

The song ends and he hugs me tight. When he pulls back, he runs his fingers along my jawbone. I shouldn’t have stayed away from Havnestad so long, he says, capturing one of my curls between his fingers. You have the same hair you did as a child. His gaze lifts to mine. The same starry-night eyes.

I struggle not to look down—down to where he’s still wound a lock of my hair lightly between his fingers. I bite my lip to silence the sigh there. His fingers wind tighter around the curl. It almost seems as if he doesn’t know he’s doing it—this boy made of smiles and grand gestures doing something so small it’s escaped him.

Iker’s eyes drift to the band members who have circled around a bench where someone has begun to play a guitaren. Though we can’t see him, the shiny, precise plucks are a dead giveaway that the musician is Nik. He’s always been the kind to pick up any instrument and immediately know exactly how to play it, ever since we were children. He’s strumming the song I used to sing on the docks as a girl to wish my father safe travels on his fishing trips. Nik said it always got stuck in his head.

Iker drops the curl.

Clears his throat.

Adjusts his body so that we’re not touching in so many places.

It’s over. I know it. Perhaps fantasies are only meant to come true for a moment. Surely a trick of the gods.

His eyes linger on the band when he eventually speaks, but his tone has changed. Evie, I love visiting Havnestad, but I don’t like to step on my cousin’s toes.

Now my voice isn’t right. Why did Nik have to play that song? I swallow. But you aren’t, I say, hoping he can’t hear the pleading in my tone. "Besides,

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