
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 97 - 120 of 7403

13% of Canadian tuna above mercury limits

A CBC investigation finds that 13% of tuna on shelves (sampled from Vancouver, Winnipeg and Toronto) exceeded Health Canada guidelines for allowable mercury in tuna.

Don't poison your valentine

The perfume you give your Valentine may contain unwanted—and unlisted— ingredients: toxic chemicals. But this Valentine's Day you can show your loved ones you really care with safer choices from the...

The biodynamic farming revolution in India

Last night I watched the agricultural documentary How to Save the World. The film follows New Zealand bio-dynamic farmer Peter Proctor to India where he works with farmers to transition from chemical...

7 ways to reduce your exposure to PBDE flame retardants

PBDEs are everywhere, and there's some evidence connecting them to brain and developmental problems in animals, and possibly even cancer. Exposure to flame retardant chemicals is ubiquitous, but there...

Envirohealth News: Rogue Algae!

Your environmental health news crib sheet. With increased industry has come increased nitrogen and phosphorus in Chinese waterways, and the result is rogue algae. Chemicals dumped in landfills near...

SMM: Greensumption and the Triple Crisis

There's a teach-in here in DC this weekend on the triple crisis of climate change, peak oil, and resource depletion. Jovana is planning on attending, so hopefully we'll get to hear all about it on...

South L.A. fast food ban is a message to Washington

In South L.A., fast food is king. It's cheap and abundant, with 20 eateries inside of a quarter-mile stretch, and other options are few and far between. The area's residents live off the stuff, and as...

5 things accomplished faster than sunscreen regulations

It's been nearly 30 years since the FDA acknowledged the need for sunscreen industry regulations, but it isn't because crafting regulations is too difficult a task for the U.S. government. It took the...

The keystroke is mightier than the sword

I know, I know. If you're reading Enviroblog, there's a pretty good chance you already care about the environment. But not everyone does, and this newfangled citizen media stuff just might be a good...

'If you love your child, move'

Where's the worst air in America? Los Angeles, with its freeways gridlocked with smog-spewing cars? Houston, where petrochemical plants pump out their poisons 24 hours a day?

LA water company takes 5 minutes for fluoride

On Aug. 20, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which supplies drinking water to Los Angeles, San Diego and four other counties, will be briefed on the health risks of water...

Beach closings at all-time high in 2006

Last summer I lived just a mile from a beach -- a real beach, with an ocean and everything. Having grown up several hundred miles from the Atlantic in a town where the only "beach" was a long patch of...

Poor and uninsured. Sound familiar?

We all know that rich and poor are differently affected by things in life. That fact is no different when we talk about the climate change, an issue that affects all of us. In fact, not only are they...

CPSC: Last person out the door, hit the lights

What’s been happening over at the ol’ Consumer Product Safety Commission ( CPSC) since the Giants beat the Patriots in last Sunday’s Superbowl? Not much. On Monday, the CSPC lost virtually all...

EWG applauds CPSC's move toward safer furniture

After a decade delay, CPSC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking last Friday that would set new fire retardant standards for home furniture. In a rare victory for public health the rules would...

Sky-high lead levels in Galveston, TX

In Galveston, Texas, as many as one in five children have blood lead levels elevated enough to cause learning disabilities. One in five. Can you even imagine? But to date, not a single thing has been...

EWG serves up Mixed Greens

Okay people, get excited: EWG has a brand new podcast. Mixed Greens is your environmental health news update, featuring inside info from our staff of scientists and researchers and hosted by yours...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: What's green and fits in a manila envelope?

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. John DeFore of Green Right Now is reporting that three federal agencies have made a commitment to choose EPEAT-certified computers from now on. NASA...

Air pollution linked to genetic mutations in mice

Okay, so you know that breathing polluted air is bad for your heart and, of course, your lungs. But did you know it might be bad for your swimmers, too? In a study performed in an industrial Canadian...

SMM: Do you feel pretty?

How can you turn $10 into $50,000 and help us expand Skin Deep all at the same time? One of the amazing things about the internet in general, and social media in particular, is the way in which...

What have they been waiting for?

Readers Dear- spotty internet access while traveling this week has led to an unfortunate dearth of posts, for which I apologize. I'm visiting family and friends in New England, New York, and New...

Toxic parties? You bet.

I'm a veteran of many a house party for change - and a big fan of the concept. In fact, I got started in online activism at a friend's Moms Rising house party, where we watched a short film and...

Cloud over BPA grows as

The country's top endocrine scientists have declared the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A (BPA) and other environmental pollutants shown to disrupt the endocrine system to be a "significant concern...

The week from hell for BPA

Beginning last weekend, the food and chemical industries began what could only be described as a "week from hell."