
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 169 - 192 of 7403

EWG's Ken Cook Voted Huffington Post's Ultimate Green Game Changer

Due in part to EWG’s heavily searched farm subsidy database, the Huffington Post nominated EWG president and co-founder Ken Cook as one of its 10 “Ultimate Green Game Changers” and put the final...

A Prairie Home Companion Pokes Fun at Iowa Corn

A Prairie Home Companion, the long-running radio variety show, Robert Altman movie and purveyor of powdermilk biscuits,usually broadcasts from St. Paul, Minnesota. Last week's performance originated...

Loophole Deja Vu: Senate Climate Bill's Agriculture Offsets Include Polluter Giveaway

Hearings began in the Senate last week on the Kerry-Boxer Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act. This bill, the companion legislation to the Waxman-Markey climate change bill passed by the House...

Jimmy Kimmel's Celery Vs. Gummy Bear Calorie Test

On Sept 23rd, Jimmy Kimmel Live hosted "Science Bob" Pflugfelder. Watch below as the acclaimed science educator and Jimmy conduct an experiment to see which has more calories, a piece of celery -- or...

Personal care products are largely unregulated. The FDA does not even require safety testing of ingredients in personal care products before they are used.

Shopper's Guide to Pesticides

Well, as we do each year, EWG released (on June 19) the latest Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce and as we suspected, eaters around the country are still concerned about high levels of toxic...

California's Skewed Farm Subsidy Priorities

Environmental Working Group Senior Analyst Kari Hamerschlag used EWG's new farm subsidy database to take a deep, critical look at the subsidy system in California. She found (pdf) that although cotton...

What the Chemical Lobby Wants

Let's call it like it is. The Chemical Safety Improvement Act, introduced in the Senate two weeks ago, is no “bipartisan breakthrough,” as some have heralded it.

Seizing a Watershed Moment

The Mississippi River Basin supports a vast array of economic, commercial, and recreational activities. But runoff from farm fields pollutes lakes and streams in the 10 states that border the...

Trouble Downstream: Upgrading Conservation Compliance

Due to lax standards and implementation problems, USDA's conservation compliance program is missing cost-effective opportunities to make further, substantial reductions in cropland soil erosion and...

National Tap Water Quality Database

Tap water in 42 states is contaminated with more than 140 unregulated chemicals that lack safety standards, according to EWG's two-and-a-half year investigation of water suppliers' tests of the...

Strong Message to Lawmakers on Chemical Policy Reform

Why would 34 lawyers and law professors, 24 national non-profit organizations and 13 California-based groups all write Congress to oppose something called the Chemical Safety Improvement Act?

What Monsanto Doesn’t Want You To See

When consumers across Europe started campaigning for GMO labeling in the early 1990s, Monsanto released a series of advertisements in support of mandatory GMO labels.

New Crop Insurance Programs Lavish Supersized Payouts on Farmers

A new report shows that some farmers could receive larger payments under newly implemented crop insurance programs than they would have through the discredited -- and now defunct -- direct payments...

DIY Don't

In between blizzards, you may be thinking of installing insulation to save money and energy.

Five Noteworthy Findings from EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning

When EWG released its Guide to Healthy Cleaning in 2012, some of our scores and findings surprised not only our viewers but us, too. Who knew Lysol made a product EWG can recommend, while many...

Organic Fruits and Vegetables Co-Star in a Healthy Diet

What makes a healthy diet? Adopting a low-fat diet didn't make Americans healthier. But does that mean “paleo” is the way to go?

What About Farm Subsidy Fraud?

Based on this week's House Agriculture Committee hearings, you might think it's the food stamp program – and not the heavily subsidized farm subsidy program – that is plagued by fraud and abuse.

U.S. to Cut Food Waste in Half by 2030

Nearly 40 percent of the food the U.S. produces ends up in the trashcan. From there, it rots in a landfill and pollutes our atmosphere with greenhouse gases. That's 300 million barrels of oil a year...

Five Couches Without Fire Retardants You Can Buy Right Now

Do you know that your couch may be toxic to you and your kids? A weak federal chemical safety law and poorly designed state fire safety standards fail to protect Americans from thousands of dangerous...

Consumer Guides

Where is Triclosan Still Approved for Use?

Triclosan is an antimicrobial chemical that pollutes people and the environment.

Sunscreen Ingredient is Toxic to Coral Reefs

New evidence shows that a sunscreen ingredient EWG has long urged people to avoid is damaging to coral reefs. A study published [Oct. 20] in the journal Archives of Environmental Contamination and...

“Obamacare” of Crop Insurance? Not Exactly.

Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) will oppose a budget deal because $3 billion in savings come at the expense of giant crop insurance companies. In his statement, Rep. Cramer called a proposal to limit...

Nitrate pollution plagues Midwestern rivers

A recent study by scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey has concluded that the water quality in 22 rivers over the past 65 years is terrible and not getting better, judging by the concentration of...