Image of many hands collaborating to solve a puzzle

Our commitment to audit quality

A message from our leadership

Audit quality is our top priority. As leaders of Ernst & Young LLP, we set clear expectations for the quality of work our professionals do each day, and we foster a culture of integrity and accountability.


Read our 2023 audit quality report and our 2024 update on audit quality for our latest PCAOB inspection results.

Julie Boland and Dante D'Egidio

A snapshot of key metrics

Our people

Percentage of newly promoted US audit partners and managing directors

Executing the audit

Percentage of US public company audit hours generated by EY US specialists

Percentage of US public company audit hours generated by EY US specialists, Percentage of US public company audit hours generated by EY US s

Highlights of the report

Our commitment to audit quality

We are committed to performing high-quality audits that promote trust and confidence in the capital markets.


Learn more about the actions we are taking to improve the consistency of our audits and reinforce the cornerstones of our culture. 

Woman using interactive display with charts

Executing the audit

We are driving consistency in how we apply our audit methodology, how we manage and staff our audits, and how we use technology to help us understand risks and focus on what matters most in an audit.


Learn more about how we execute our audits.

Executing the audit - Our Commitment to Audit Quality

Our people

We are committed to creating diverse teams and supporting our people with the career development opportunities, flexibility and benefits they need.


Learn more about how we are focusing on our people.

Our people - Our Commitment to Audit Quality

Supporting our teams

We support our teams by providing coaching, interpretive guidance and enablement. Our technical support groups also consult with them on difficult accounting, auditing, SEC and independence matters.


Learn more about how our Quality Network, Professional Practice group and other resources support our audit teams.

Supporting our teams - Our Commitment to Audit Quality


We monitor the effectiveness of our actions and perform robust root cause analyses of positive and negative audit performance. The results provide valuable information about how we can continuously improve audit quality.


Learn more about how we monitor our audit practice to inform our efforts to continuously improve audit quality.

Monitoring - Our Commitment to Audit Quality

External inspections

The PCAOB inspection process provides us with valuable information we use to drive continuous improvement in our audit approach and to strengthen our system of quality control.


Learn more about our PCAOB inspection results.

External inspections- Our Commitment to Audit Quality

Contact us
Get in touch to learn more.