News and Media: Disaster 4339

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


GUAYNABO, Puerto Rico — The Roberto Clemente Municipal Sports Complex in Carolina will be rebuilt with help of an obligation of nearly $9.5 million from FEMA.

The facility consists of various structures built between 1988 and 2009. These include a playground for children with access and functional needs, the Guillermo Angulo Coliseum and a Sports Hall of Fame, among others.

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GUAYNABO, Puerto Rico — FEMA has obligated nearly $152 million over the past three years for a total of 116 projects at 15 higher education institutions in Puerto Rico, such as the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), American University and the Pontifical Catholic University, among others. Funding includes $47 million for 21 permanent work projects that will benefit thousands of students around the Island.

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GUAYNABO, Puerto Rico For the past three years, FEMA has awarded funds to repair and strengthen Puerto Rico’s transportation infrastructure. Along with the Central Office of Recovery, Reconstruction and Resilience of Puerto Rico, or COR3, the Agency has obligated over $783 million to revitalize the island’s vast network of roads, highways, bridges and piers which sustained substantial damage after Hurricane María.

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GUAYNABO, Puerto Rico – Today, FEMA announced that Mr. José G. Baquero Tirado, Esq. will serve as Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator, or FDRC, for disaster recovery operations in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Mr. Baquero will permanently lead disaster recovery coordination and collaboration between the federal interagency and the Government of Puerto Rico, the private sector and voluntary, faith-based and community organizations. 

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GUAYNABO, Puerto Rico – Puerto Rico's agricultural industry is preparing to receive over $2.6 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Central Office of Recovery, Reconstruction and Resilience of Puerto Rico, or COR3. This investment will lead to the recovery of this sector, which suffered multi-million-dollar losses due to the impact of Hurricane María.

This infusion of funds will provide an economic boost to the industry after the loss of 40 percent of the country's agricultural infrastructure.

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 A section of mountain road is visible on above exposed dirt from a landslide.
Landslide Collapses Road In Barranquitas

FEMA Region VII personnel FEMA personnel from the Joint Field Office and the municipality’s Mayor, Francisco López, tour damage from Hurricane María. Not far from the center of town a landslide has collapsed a section of PR-143 forcing drivers to find detours that can add hours to their journey. FEMA/K.C. Wilsey

Gargiulo Farm employee fills wagon with tomatoes to be taken to the packaging factory.
Tomato Farm Employees Return To Work After Power Is Restored

Gargiulo Farm employee fills wagon with tomatoes to be taken to the packaging factory. Without power, the factory was unable to proceed with the hygiene process and was at risk of closing down. Thanks to the efforts of Tiffany Greenidge (Econ RSF Interagency Recovery Coordinator), Juan Bauzá (EDR/Economic RSF), and The U.S. Corps of Engineers (USACE), Gargiulo got powered restored before losing the harvest. FEMA/Andrea Bajandas

Two men work on a bridge.
New Bridge for Utuado's Survivors

Employees work in the last phase of construction of the new bridge in Barrio Chorreras, Utuado. The previous bridge collapsed due to the flooding caused by Hurricane María when the storm hit the island last September.The new bridge will benefit hundreds of survivors by providing them immediate and safe access to the municipality of Utuado and other areas. FEMA/Eduardo Martínez.

Survivor standing in front of his under construction home.
Survivor and Volunteer in Castañer

Survivor Alejandro Román, who is working as a volunteer in the reconstruction of survivors' homes in his community Barrio Bartolo Castañer, standing in front of his home. FEMA with VALOR Program supports voluntary organizations with building materials for the reconstruction of survivor’s homes in Castañer. FEMA/Medina Latorre.

 FEMA Region 2 Administrator greets National Security Advisor  upon arrival at the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport in Carolina, Puerto Rico.
Congressional Delegation Visits Puerto Rico to Review Recovery from Hurricane Maria

FEMA Region 2 Administrator greets National Security Advisor upon arrival at the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport in Carolina, Puerto Rico with a U.S. House Congressional delegation headed by Nancy Pelosi (California, District 12) who are visiting Puerto Rico to review the progress of recovery efforts after Hurricane María. In the photo are FEMA External Affairs Officer Lee Crager (second from left) and Federal Coordinating Officer Mike Byrne (right). FEMA partners with the Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, other federal agencies, the state, local communities, counties, municipalities, volunteer organizations active in disaster (VOAD), and tribal entities to provide assistance to disaster survivors and local communities. Photo by Christopher Mardorf / FEMA.

 Top picture: office destroyed. Lower Picture: office repaired.
Before and After: SBA Helps Surivors Rebuild Their Homes in Puerto Rico

The top picture shows the state this home office was left after Hurricane María tore through Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017. The lower picture shows the repaired office as it stands today after the owners applied and were approved a loan by the Small Business Administration. FEMA/Eduardo Martinez

Top picture: piles of debris. Lower picture: workshop area repaired and with roof.
Before and After: Rebuilding Homes in Puerto Rico

Before and After photos following Hurricane Maía after it tore through Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017. This house like many others on the island suffered severe damage. The owners applied for a loan from the Small Business Administration. The same month their loan was approved, they began to repair their home and office using stronger materials. FEMA/Eduardo Martínez

FEMA Specialist standing outside a rebuild house in Aguada
Site Visits In Aguada

Voluntary Agency Liaison visits a house repaired by the Voluntary Agencies Stronger Than Maria and Christian Aid Ministries. FEMA through the Voluntary Agencies Leading and Organizing Repairs (VALOR) program, provide voluntary organizations with building materials to rebuild survivor’s homes in Puerto Rico. FEMA/Michael Medina Latorre