Get Approved




The FIBA Equipment & Venue Centre is entrusted by FIBA to run a strict high-quality and comprehensive Approval Programme for basketball related products and equipment.

Only established companies may submit their products for approval. These products must be tested by a FIBA Accredited Test Institute according to the standards established by FIBA.

Approval documents for Basketball Equipment:

Approval documents for Basketball Software:

To apply for approval, send an enquiry email, including definition of the product to be approved and relevant technical literature, such as commercial brochures and technical specifications, to:

[email protected]

Once an initial enquiry has been made, applicants will be required to fill in and submit the Applicant Questionnaire, which is provided in the Approval Programme Regulations and all supporting documents.

In line with the FIBA Approval Programme Regulations, Approved Partners must ensure that all operations, are in compliance with the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work adopted by the International Labour Organisation (download here) and the latest Code of Conduct of the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI) which can be accessed through the WFSGI website, here.