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(Ed. note: Virginia O’Hanlon, an 8-year-old child from New York City, wrote a letter to the editor of The New York Sun newspaper, and the paper’s quick response — printed as an unsigned editorial on Sept. 21, 1897 — became one of the most famous editorials in history. The work was that of ve…

It’s time for Wayne County Board of Supervisors Chairman Ken Miller to do what’s best for the county: Give up his leadership job and leave the board.

Every election season, the Finger Lakes Times receives many letters to the editor endorsing or opposing candidates in various races. As we gear up for Election Day on Nov. 3, here is a listing of our policies for political letters to the editor:

The change to state election law to allow for early voting seems to have resonated with New Yorkers as over a quarter million people have taken advantage and cast an early ballot, according to the state Board of Elections. That includes over 2,000 people in the Finger Lakes Times’ four-county area.

Every election season, the Finger Lakes Times receives numerous letters to the editor endorsing or denouncing candidates. So, as we gear up for Election Day on Nov. 5, here is a refresher of our policies for political letters to the editor:

These may be uncertain times in almost every corner of the globe — including here in our beloved United States — but one thing that is crystal clear is the unwavering bravery and valor shown by so many who have served America in one branch of the Armed Forces or another.

According to the nonprofit Cervantes Institute, there are more than 577 million Spanish speakers in the world today. There are an estimated 40 million in the United States alone, and within 10 years there will be more Spanish speakers here than in Spain itself.


Two things need to be said right off the bat. Nothing in today’s newspaper is fake. And we are not the enemy of the people; we are the people.

Soccer’s World Cup final is coming up today, but on Thursday, the Finger Lakes region claimed a victory that means more to our area and our way of life than anything France or Croatia can stir up on a soccer pitch in Russia. Besides, that game will last 90 minutes or so; the FL’s battle took…

No doubt several folks who read our story about the Geneva Business Improvement District and a sponsored truck were upset. We’re thinking our good friend and columnist Jackie Augustine is eager to write a conflict of interest column about it. We, on the other hand, are writing this:

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Here’s a scene most of us witness almost daily: A smoker flicking their cigarette butt, often still smoldering, onto the sidewalk or street — or out their car window.

We are fortunate to call this part of the world home for a number of reasons, not the least of which is this time of the year, when we are reminded that Waterloo is the birthplace of the three-day holiday weekend we are celebrating through tomorrow.

Earlier this year, Ontario County launched a new website to help residents recycle more and change their waste diversion habits.

The snow has thawed, the birds are chirping and the fastballs are zipping. Youth baseball and softball season is upon us.

The claim from del Lago Resort & Casino officials that a substantial part of the reason for the facility’s very public financial struggles is that the Seneca Indian Nation has more money for promotion rings hollow.

Every year in late August, the Ontario County Traffic Safety Board and STOP-DWI program — as well as numerous police agencies in the Finger Lakes area — promote and publicize campaigns to enforce safety around school buses.

Until the last few days, the weather so far this month has been far from ideal for riding a bicycle. However, February’s uncommonly mild weather brought out those who enjoy traveling by the two-wheel variety.

When Calvin Ruthven’s controversial — and what some viewed as counter-intuitive — plan was unveiled to save a long-vacant building on one of the Geneva’s most dynamic streets by ripping a good portion of it down, lots of merchants came to bat for the real estate professional.

Now that MIT researchers have confirmed that lies, especially on Twitter, fly faster than truth, the perennial advice to “think before you speak” is more vital than ever.

Sports fans — and even non-sports fans — across America are catching a case of March Madness this week, otherwise known as the NCAA Division I basketball tournament and manifested in office pools and brackets from coast to coast.

The proposal by Circular EnerG to build and operate a large-scale, trash-burning, electricity-generating power plant at the former Seneca Army Depot has been thoroughly opposed — and even reviled — by individuals, municipalities and citizen groups since it was first unveiled publicly in November.

We are taking a bashing on Facebook — and probably in other venues — for a Letter to the Editor that we ran anonymously in Tuesday’s paper under the headline “Sign riles people up, doesn’t show compassion, empathy.”

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What is there left to say? Donald Trump supporters think Hillary Clinton is the devil. Hillary Clinton supporters think Donald Trump would lead us straight to hell.

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While the 58th District touches only the southern portion of the Times’ readership area, Yates County is an important cog. Its combination of agriculture, tourism and Seneca and Keuka lakes highlight the region as a whole and help drive the economy.