TevatronImpact: A symposium celebrating extraordinary contributions to science, technology & society
Symposium Agenda
  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Master of Ceremonies: David Kestenbaum, National Public Radio
  • Keynote Address: It�s a Small World After All
  • Lisa Randall, Harvard University
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  • DZero History and Achievements
  • Paul Grannis, Stony Brook University
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  • Performance by Winifred Haun & Dancers
    Choreography: Winifred Haun
    Music: John Zorn
    Costumes: Ariane Dolan
    Dancers: Simone Baechle, Zada Cheeks, Katie Graves, and Mary Kate Sickel

    Choreography: Winifred Haun
    Sound design: Barry Bennett
    Costumes: Athena Parke
    Dancers: Sarah Robinson with
    Simone Baechle, Zada Cheeks, Katie Graves, Elizabeth Luse
    Matthew McMunn, Mary Kate Sickel, and Monica Thomas
  • Coffee Break
  • History and Achievements of the Fixed-Target Program
  • Heidi Schellman, Northwestern University
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  • The Tevatron�s Impact
  • On Particle Physics
     Chris Quigg, Fermilab
     Download PDF (3.45 MB)
    On Technology and Innovation
     John Womersley, Science and Technology Facilities Council
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    On the Large Hadron Collider
     Rolf-Dieter Heuer, CERN
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  • Messages
  • From the U.S. Department of Energy
    From the U.S. National Science Foundation
    From the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • Reception