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Web Accessibility

Content owned by admin

We want this website to be accessible to everyone. This commitment includes our efforts to follow the guidelines of the U.S. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Compliance with these guidelines provides an added benefit to users who need to access the site with text-based browsers, low-end processors, slow modem connections and no multi-media capabilities on their computers.

Design and Layout

  • This site does not use frames.
  • This site uses cascading style sheets (CSS) to control aspects of layout and presentation.
  • Content contained within this site will degrade to a usable text-only design when CSS is not available.
  • Most, if not all, fonts on this site are sized using relative font sizes, so you can adjust the text size that appears on your screen.


Javascript is employed to enhance usability and graphic appeal. The Javascript used on this site is implemented in a non-invasive manner and is not required to use the site or access content within.

Standards Compliance

This site is undergoing renovation and, as such, not all pages may be in 100% compliance. The Gemini Observatory web development team is working hard to ensure compliance. Please contact the Gemini web development team at [email protected] if you are unable to access any content on this site, or if you have suggestions for improving accessibility.

This site aims to adhere to the guidelines published by W3C and Section 508. All pages validate HTML 4.01.