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Biopolitical Times

It has been for years a truth universally acknowledged that heritable human genome editing – “designer baby” technology –  should...

It’s been a busy couple of months in biopolitics, with developments in the US, UK, China, Japan, and implicitly on...

Image courtesy National Human Genome Research Institute

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is supposed to encourage effective medical...


Focus on genetic justice in an election season

CRISPR's twisted tales | Eugenics and statistics | Silicon Valley "superbabies"

Eugenic fictions past and present: GATTACA, "great replacement," heritable genome editing


Published September 26, 2023

Emily Galpern speaks at the Black Women for Wellness Reproductive Justice Conference in August 2023 about...

February 8, 2022

A genetic disease runs in your family. Your doctor tells you that, should you wish to have...

Talks and Testimonies



CGS Consultant Emily Galpern spoke at the Black Women for Wellness Reproductive Justice Conference in August 2023 about...

CBC Radio Logo

When you send your saliva to 23andme, you can get all kinds of genetic information — but now that it's...

DNA Strain

Are designer babies going to become a reality in the near future?

On this episode Cormac speaks to former NASA...


Report Cover

This comprehensive progress report critically evaluates the first year of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), the agency running...

The Center for Genetics and Society met on January 2 with members of the new administration's transition team to discuss...