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H-9 / H-20 - New Chinese Strategic Bomber - Fan Art

All of this is totally conjectural

The June issue of Chinese military magazine Modern Weaponry shows an artist's rendition of a "next-generation stealth bomber". The illustration was mistaken for the Chinese military's H-20 strategic bomber, which is still under development. Some media outlets from Hong Kong and Taiwan reported that a Chinese military affairs magazine published some computer-generated images of the H-20, saying that the magazine had an official background and hinting that these images represented the real H-20. Multiple reports appeared after Hong Kong's South China Morning Post (SCMP) said 26 May 2021 the images � originating in military magazine Modern Weaponry � were of the elusive H-20. In response to these reports, a source close to the matter told the Global Times that these images of the bomber were actually just artist impressions by a military enthusiast, and the magazine never said the bomber represented the H-20. The PLA Air Force for the first time gave a hint on the design of its next-generation, long-range strategic stealth bomber by including it in a scene in the service's 2021 recruitment video released in January 2021.

H-20 - 2021

H-20 - 2020

H-20 - 2018

H-20 - 2017





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