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Islamic Resistance in Iraq / Tansiqiya

Islamic Resistance in IraqThe Coordinating Body of the Iraqi Resistance / Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee (al-Haya al-Tansiqiya lil-Muqawama al-Iraqiya, or Tansiqiya for short) always appeared to be a loose confederation of three major Iraqi militias, Kataib Hezbollah (KH), Asaib Ahl al-Haq (AAH), and Harakat al-Nujaba's (HaN). The grouping emerged on October 10, 2020, when the (then anonymous) committee issued a statement to announce a conditional truce and to give �the foreign forces a conditional opportunity...to prepare a limited and specific timetable� for withdrawing their troops from Iraq. Since then, parent militias have begun to claim membership in the Tansiqiya, implicating themselves in the coordination body and demonstrating their control over rocket and bombing cells.

Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani said on 28 December 2023 that his country was moving toward ending the presence of the international coalition against ISIS in the country, days after American strikes on Iraqi sites that Baghdad considered �hostile and a violation of sovereignty.� Al-Sudani said during a joint press conference with his Spanish counterpart, Pedro Sanchez , in Baghdad, that he discussed in detail during his meeting with Sanchez the situation of the international coalition led by the United States, pointing to the role of the coalition and Spain in supporting Iraq�s efforts to confront ISIS.

He explained that the Iraqi government is in the process of rearranging the relationship in light of capable Iraqi forces, stressing that it is moving towards ending the presence of international coalition forces in Iraq . He added, "We stressed the importance of adhering to the legal mandate granted by previous Iraqi governments for this presence, which must be within the framework of support for the security forces in the areas of training, and must not exceed the limit of carrying out military actions, as they represent an infringement on Iraqi sovereignty, which is unacceptable."

The Iraqi Resistance Coordination confirmed 23 July 2021 that it would not allow �the presence of any American soldier inside the country, regardless of his capacity, or under any pretext,� according to an official statement.

It stated in a press statement: �We will not allow the presence of any soldier on the land of our beloved Iraq, in any capacity, and under any pretext or fabrication of legitimacy and fraud, so that presence under various titles (trainers, advisors, or as supporters and air support) is to throw ashes into the eyes, which does not change anything in the equation.� His continued presence under various pretexts is nothing but a means to achieve his malicious interests in our dear country.�

It added, "The American trainers, along with the international coalition forces, proved a miserable failure, and the experience in Iraq over ten years resulted in the collapse of the entire security and military establishment in 2014, and if we add to it the Afghan experience that extended over 20 years of training, and the collapse and disintegration of the system we are seeing today." Security, these are all facts that refute all those who claim the authority of trainers as a justification for this abhorrent existence.�

It pointed out that "the field in which the American advisors work does not deviate from the requirements of their national security and work for it and cause catastrophic results for the rest of the peoples, and they exploit the joints of the Iraqi security services to achieve this, but Iraq and its people mean nothing to them in the face of this goal, and the complicity we found." "With criminal gangs at more than one clearly defined point in time to achieve their malicious goals."

It continued: "We point out here that the foreign presence must include both the presence under the title of the International Coalition or NATO forces. There is no difference between them. We will not agree to reduce the foreign presence under the title of the International Coalition and increase it under the title of NATO forces."

Tansiqiya stated 28 December 2021 that there is no seriousness for the occupying American forces to leave Iraq, explaining that the American dream that the occupation soldiers feel reassured, and that its bases enjoy peace and stability in Iraq, is the dream of the delusional that will never come true. A statement by the Coordinating Body stated: �Day after day it becomes clear to us that the occupying American forces have no seriousness in implementing the demand of our dear people to implement the Iraqi Parliament�s decision requiring their exit from our proud Iraq, especially after the opportunity we granted them in response to the desire of some benevolent national political forces who worked with the government for the purpose of Implementing the decision in order to achieve the will of the people for the independence of their homeland and to restore its full sovereignty .�

He added, "Throughout the period granted, the Iraqi resistance enjoyed the utmost states of discipline, patience, and commitment. Hopefully, the government will fulfill its duty to remove the occupiers from Iraq." However, the obstinacy and arrogance we observe indicates that there is an insistence from the evil administration on the presence of their occupying forces in the country, in those same bases, while maintaining complete control over the country�s skies and spying on areas devoid of the presence of ISIS. In addition to their control over the Iraqi political and economic decision and their blatant interference in it�.

He stressed that �the American dream that the occupation soldiers feel reassured, and that its bases enjoy peace and stability in Iraq, is a dream of the delusional that will never come true.� This is because peoples� defense of their homelands is an unblemished right recognized by all legitimate and man-made laws. Rather, it is a legal, moral, and patriotic duty. Accordingly, the Iraqi resistance will work - after the end of the period - to force these arrogant forces to leave humiliated and defeated, as there is no occupation in the land of martyrs and sanctities.�.

The Iraqi Resistance Coordination issued a warning statement to American forces in Iraq on 24 June 2023, warning the United States against continuing to violate Iraqi sovereignty and the constitution, and threatened to take retaliatory measures.

"In light of the political, security and economic developments that have ravaged the country recently, the Coordination Body confirms that its role has always been to give priority to the interests of citizens and facilitate the delivery of services to them, and aware of the seriousness of that stage and the necessity of overcoming it, the Commission had taken a decision to (stop American military action) inside Iraq.

"This decision should not be interpreted as coming in the context of accepting the continued illegal and illegal presence in violation of the Iraqi constitution, and we are still witnessing the continued intransigence of the Americans with their tyranny and blatant interference in the country�s affairs and lack of respect for its sovereignty.

"The continued presence of military bases and military aviation bases, including spy drones, is in addition to the sabotage role played by the American Embassy of Evil in spreading vice and moral deviation, the continuous and focused targeting of the Iraqi cultural identity with its authentic values, principles and traditions, and the malicious efforts to tamper with the rights of Iraqis and deprive them of basic services and in The forefront of which is providing electrical energy to our people, in addition to the threat to target one of the resistance leaders, which requires us to carry out our legitimate and national duty with an appropriate response, in response to the violations.

"The Coordinating Body of the Iraqi Resistance, based on the efforts that the government intends to undertake, is giving a final opportunity to reduce these violations, and let everyone know that our patience has limits, and every action has a reaction, and those who warn are excused.

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy reported on 20 October 2023 that several of Iraq's militias have created a new umbrella organization called the "Islamic Resistance in Iraq." a new Iran-aligned militia group (IAMG) In a worst-case scenario, Iraqi militias could attack US bases in Iraq and Syria while the Houthis target them in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates "Given the unfolding Gaza crisis and the potential for regional broadening of the war, Iran-backed militias want to show unity by folding their actions into one brand, essentially 'reporting for duty,'" researchers said in the report.

Given the restrictions imposed by Washington on arming the Iranian army, and Tehran�s relative weakness compared to its main competitors, especially the United States, Iran chose to assert its foreign policy goals through a �substitution� strategy, which means avoiding conflict with major powers through the use of proxy forces. This strategy gives the Iranians the possibility of plausibly denying its responsibility for attacks carried out by its agents on its enemies, and thus the conflict remains in the �gray zone�.

A security official in the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades, Abu Ali Al-Askari announced that "the Islamic Resistance will work to close and disrupt American interests in the coming weeks if the aggression [on Gaza] continues." Significantly, al-Askari also addressed Blinken saying his visit is "unwelcomed" and warned that "if he comes [to Iraq], we will meet him with an unprecedented escalation."

The Secretary-General of the al-Nujaba Movement in Iraq, Sheikh Akram al-Kaabi, announced, earlier, that the Iraqi Resistance is ready to assist Resistance movements in Palestine and Lebanon in this legendary war. Al-Kaabi stressed, "We reassure our brothers in Palestine and Lebanon that their brothers in Iraq, who entered this legendary war alongside them, since day two, are fully prepared."

The Iraqi leader then thanked the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and the freedom fighters, saying, "All gratitude and appreciation to His Eminence Sayyed Nasrallah for his speech that healed free hearts," adding, "All thanks and respect to the heroic freedom fighters and all the leaders of the Iraqi Resistance, those who made the wise decisions and took on the legitimate initiative."

On October 18th, Jaafar Al-Husseini, the military spokesperson for the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades, declared that the Iraqi resistance had entered the Palestinian-led operation by directing strikes at US military bases. Before this, Falih Alfayyadh, the head of the Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq, announced in an interview with Al-Mayadeen that "Iraq will fulfill all duties towards the Palestinians, whether in terms of aid or militarily."

The Secretary-General of the Sayyid Martyrs Brigades, Hajj Abu Alaa Al-Wala�i, confirmed 09 November 2023 that there will be no stopping the operations of the Islamic resistance in Iraq except by stopping the Zionist attacks on the Gaza Strip. Abu Alaa Al-Wala�i wrote in his post on the social networking site (X): �There will be no stopping the operations of the Islamic resistance in Iraq except by stopping the Zionist attacks on Gaza . There will be no truce for the American occupation in Iraq except with a real and binding truce for the enemy against our people in Gaza.�/p>

He stressed that "there will be no safe exit for the occupation from Iraq except with the safe and continuous entry of humanitarian and medical aid convoys into Gaza." He stressed the firm position of the Islamic resistance in Iraq to stand by Palestine, its people, and its resistance. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq sets the conditions for stopping its operations against the American occupation./p>

The resistance viewed American occupying forces were stationed in different cities of Iraq for almost two decades under various pretexts such as fighting terrorism and protecting their interests in Iraq. According to Iraqi officials, there were approximately 30 American military bases containing light and heavy weapons in Iraq, so the presence of American military forces with this high number and heavy weapons is nothing but occupation.

After the American assassination of the senior commanders of the resistance, Martyr Sardar Soleimani and Martyr Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, the determination of the nation and the members of the Iraqi Parliament to expel the American occupying forces led to a legal resolution in January 2020 that the American military forces leave Iraq; According to former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the resolution reduced the number of American soldiers from 5,000 in 2019 to about 2,500.

But this resolution has not been seriously implemented during the last four years with the stonewalling of the United States. During this time, the Americans negotiated and made agreements with Iraqi politicians by making promises to the various governments that came to power. In the agreement called "Strategic Dialogue" concluded in July 2021, the United States attached great importance to the protection of American interests in Iraq, which was entrusted to the government of this country, and it was emphasized in this agreement that American forces, The coalition led by Washington, their military advisers and military convoys must be supported by the Iraqi government, which is an excuse to keep the occupying forces in this country as the first point of nse against the Zionist regime.

After the failure of political negotiations on the implementation of the decision to withdraw the American military from Iraq, the resistance groups announced the only option for the withdrawal of the American occupation forces from Iraq. Iraqi Islamic resistance groups started their attacks against the American military bases in Iraq and the region with the two goals of defending the oppressed people of Gaza and fighting against the American occupation, starting with the storm of al-Aqsa. During this time, American bases were repeatedly attacked by resistance groups and suffered human and financial losses. During these days, the Americans also killed some of the commanders of Hashd Shaabi and the Iraqi resistance forces by attacking the resistance headquarters.

In the meantime, Iraqi political figures demanded the expulsion of foreign forces, especially Americans, from the country following the attack on the resistance commanders as security guards of Iraq by the American invaders. In a meeting with Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of the NATO military alliance, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al-Sudani emphasized that the issue of the withdrawal of foreign troops from his country is on the agenda of the Cabinet of Ministers and is ready to be implemented.

Hadi Al-Amiri, the Secretary General of the Badr Organization, issued a statement asking the Iraqi government to take all necessary measures to determine a "short" timetable for the withdrawal of US-led international coalition troops from Iraq. He said: "After all the great achievements and victories that our security and military forces have achieved in the fight against the ISIS terrorist group and they are at the peak of their ability, it is really shameful that some argue that under the pretext of helping the Iraqi security forces To eliminate the remnants of terrorist cells, coalition forces must remain. In this statement, he asked the Iraqi government to take all the necessary measures to determine a serious, specific and short-term timetable for the withdrawal of the international coalition forces from Iraq, far from the delay that has already occurred.

Former Iraqi Prime Minister "Adel Abdul Mahdi" in a statement called for the immediate implementation of the country's decision to withdraw American forces from Iraq, following the explicit support of the US for the attacks of the Zionist regime against the oppressed people of Palestine and the sending of Washington's military aid to this regime.

Despite the request of Iraqi politicians and the Iraqi people and authority to expel the American invaders, the American government is looking for political negotiations on how to implement the law of the withdrawal of American soldiers from Iraqi territory.

Referring to the beginning of talks between Baghdad and Washington officials about the possible withdrawal of at least 2,500 American troops from Iraq, the Washington Times newspaper wrote: With the intensification of the war in Gaza and the successive attacks of Iraqi resistance groups on American military bases in the region over the past few months, now Demands for the withdrawal of the US from the country have also increased in the Iraqi parliament.

This report adds: "According to the statements of the US State Department officials, the negotiations for the gradual and calculated reduction of the military advisers of the US and its allies in Iraq with the aim of ending the military mission of the international coalition forces in Iraq will begin soon." According to the Washington Times, the American officials, acknowledging the dozens of injuries and brain damage of the military forces under their command following the attacks of the Iraqi resistance groups on their military bases, revealed that since the attacks began in the past three months, some of the forces also have deep injuries. And they are in serious condition.

In 2023, the attacks of the resistance groups against the American bases in Iraq and the region increased, so that Sabrina Singh, the spokesperson of the US Department of Defense (Pentagon), admitted that the scope of the attacks on the American forces stationed in Iraq during the last year compared to 10 years ago was more severe. This military strategy of the resistance caused more attention of the Iraqi political and influential authorities and the American side to the revival of the Iraqi parliamentary resolution for the withdrawal of foreign military forces from Iraq.

As between 2010 and 2011, the attacks of the Iraqi resistance against the American forces intensified and this caused their immediate withdrawal from Iraq, last year the intensification of the resistance attacks against the American military forces forced the Americans to negotiate more seriously for the withdrawal of American military forces from Iraq. According to regional experts, the political negotiations for the withdrawal of American military forces from Iraq are mostly decorative and propaganda, therefore, based on the experiences of the past years, the Iraqi people and the resistance have no hope for these negotiations.

Referring to the Iraqi government's political consultations with the United States regarding the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, Sheikh Akram Al-Kaabi, the secretary general of the Al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance Movement, said: "The resistance does not reject the government's consultation for the withdrawal of American forces from the country; At the same time, we emphasize that the occupiers are liars and deceivers, and expecting them to leave through dialogue and consultation is an illusion. Wicked America is a devil in the form of a government that no logic works in dealing with it except the logic of force and weapons, and resistance will not compromise with this great devil.

The year 2023 was an important turning point in the history of the Iraqi resistance, because the Islamic resistance forces of Iraq bravely faced the American statesmen with a great challenge with the two sacred goals of defending the oppressed people of Gaza and fighting against the American military invaders. The assassination of a group of resistance commanders forced them to conduct political negotiations to withdraw their military forces from Iraq. However, according to the leaders of the Islamic resistance of Iraq and West Asian experts, the only option to expel the American occupying forces from the region, including Iraq, is the option of resistance, not negotiation and consultation.

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