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Brandon Sanderson Brandon Sanderson > Quotes


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“The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
“Life before Death.
Strength before Weakness.
Journey before Destination.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
“You see, that is the sad, sorry, terrible thing about sarcasm.

It's really funny.”
Brandon Sanderson, Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians
“Elend: I kind of lost track of time…
Breeze: For two hours?
Elend: There were books involved.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Well of Ascension
“By now, it is probably very late at night, and you have stayed up to read this book when you should have gone to sleep. If this is the case, then I commend you for falling into my trap. It is a writer's greatest pleasure to hear that someone was kept up until the unholy hours of the morning reading one of his books. It goes back to authors being terrible people who delight in the suffering of others. Plus, we get a kickback from the caffeine industry...”
Brandon Sanderson, Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians
“You should try not to talk so much, friend. You'll sound far less stupid that way.

- Breeze”
Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire
“It's easy to believe in something when you win all the time...The losses are what define a man's faith.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Well of Ascension
“But you can't kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that one thing you've never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am hope.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire
“And so, does the destination matter? Or is it the path we take? I declare that no accomplishment has substance nearly as great as the road used to achieve it. We are not creatures of destinations. It is the journey that shapes us. Our callused feet, our backs strong from carrying the weight of our travels, our eyes open with the fresh delight of experiences lived.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
“Belief isn't simply a thing for fair times and bright days...What is belief - what is faith - if you don't continue in it after failure?...Anyone can believe in someone, or something that always succeeds...But failure...ah, now, that is hard to believe in, certainly and truly. Difficult enough to have value. Sometimes we just have to wait long enough...then we find out why exactly it was that we kept believing...There's always another secret.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire
“Honor is dead. But I'll see what I can do.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance
“Sometimes the prize is not worth the costs. The means by which we achieve victory are as important as the victory itself.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
“Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of changing.”
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer
“I've always been very confident in my immaturity.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire
“Our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest. That is the nature of hope.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire
“To lack feeling is to be dead, but to act on every feeling is to be a child.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
“There's always another secret.' -Kelsier”
Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire
“Mocking a woman is like drinking too much wine. It may be fun for a short time, but the hangover is hell.”
Brandon Sanderson, Warbreaker
“I'm not really sure why. But... do you stop loving someone just because they betray you? I don't think so. That's what makes the betrayal hurt so much - pain, frustration, anger... and I still loved her. I still do.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire
The most important step a man can take. It's not the first one, is it?
It's the next one. Always the next step, Dalinar.

Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer
“Somehow, we'll find it. The balance between whom we wish to be and whom we need to be. But for now, we simply have to be satisfied with who we are.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Hero of Ages
“Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
“My behavior is nonetheless, deplorable. Unfortunately, I'm quite prone to such bouts of deplorability--take for instance, my fondness for reading books at the dinner table.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire
“Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, because it is right.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
“To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is always the next one.”
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer
“Accept the pain, but don't accept that you deserved it.”
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer
tags: pain
“Good men don't become legends," he said quietly.
"Good men don't need to become legends." She opened her eyes, looking up at him. "They just do what's right anyway.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Well of Ascension
“I swear, my dear. Sometimes our conversations remind me of a broken sword."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Sharp as hell," Lightsong said, "but lacking a point.”
Brandon Sanderson, Warbreaker
“He saw it in her eyes. The anguish, the frustration. The terrible nothing that clawed inside and sought to smother her. She knew. It was there, inside. She had been broken.

Then she smiled. Oh, storms. She smiled anyway.

It was the single most beautiful thing he’d seen in his entire life.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance
“If you give up what you want most for what you think you should want more, you'll end up miserable.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Hero of Ages

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Brandon Sanderson
The Final Empire (Mistborn, #1) The Final Empire
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The Well of Ascension (Mistborn, #2) The Well of Ascension
503,065 ratings
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The Hero of Ages (Mistborn, #3) The Hero of Ages
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Elantris (Elantris, #1) Elantris
286,766 ratings
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