Kaladin Quotes

Quotes tagged as "kaladin" Showing 1-30 of 40
Brandon Sanderson
“Honor is dead. But I'll see what I can do.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“The only time you seem honest is when you’re insulting someone!”
“The only honest things I can say to you are insults.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“Kaladin frowned. “Wait. Are you wearing cologne? In prison?”
“Well, there was no need to be barbaric, just because I was incarcerated.”
“Storms, you’re spoiled,” Kaladin said, smiling.
“I’m refined, you insolent farmer,” Adolin said. Then he grinned. “Besides, I’ll have you know that I had to use cold water for my baths while here.”
“Poor boy.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“How . . .” Dalinar said. “You fell into a chasm!”
“I fell face-first, sir,” Kaladin said, “and fortunately, I’m particularly hard-headed.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“Fleet kept running,” Kaladin growled, getting back under Elhokar’s arm.
“He couldn't win, but he kept running. And when the storm caught him, it didn't matter that he’d died, because he’d run for all he had.”
“Sure. All right.” The king sounded groggy, though Kaladin couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or the blood loss.
“We all die in the end, you see,” Kaladin said. “So I guess what truly matters is just how well you've run. And Elhokar, you've kept running since your father was killed, even if you screw up all the storming time.”
“Thank you?” the king said, drowsy.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“What do you know?”
“Almost everything. That almost part can be a real kick in the teeth sometimes.”
“What do you want, then?”
“What I can’t have.” Wit turned to him, eyes solemn. “Same as everyone else, Kaladin Stormblessed.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“When did you get so peppy?” she shouted.
“Ever since I assumed I was dead, then I suddenly wasn't.”
“Then remind me to try to kill you once in a while,” she snapped. “If I succeed, it will make me feel better, and if I fail, it will make you feel better. Everyone wins!”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“Storms, woman,” [Kaladin] said. “I don’t know what to make of you.”
“Preferably not a corpse.”
“I’m surprised someone hasn't already done that.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“All right.First, find me a cliff"

"That,will it give you a vantage to see the area?"

"No," said Kaladin. "It will give me something to throw you off of”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings

Brandon Sanderson
“We actually killed the thing.”
“Sad, I know,” she said, feeling depressed. “It was beautiful.”
“It would be more beautiful if it hadn't tried to eat me.”
“From my perspective,” Shallan noted, “it didn't try, it succeeded.”
“Nonsense,” Kaladin said. “It didn't manage to swallow me. Doesn't count.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“That caravan looks as if it’s all Vorin. Also, you look a little spindly for a Horneater.”
“Did you just insult the princess’s weight?” Tyn asked, aghast.
Storms! She was good. She actually managed to produce angerspren with the remark.
Well, nothing to do but soldier on.
“I am offend!” Shallan yelled.
“You have offended Her Highness again!”
“Very offend!”
“You’d better apologize.”
“No apologize!” Shallan declared. “Boots!”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“What are you doing here, bridgeboy?” Adolin hissed from within his helmet.
“Playing one of the ten fools.”
Adolin grunted. “Welcome to the party.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“He felt good lots of days. Trouble was, on the bad days, that was hard to remember. At those times, for some reason, he felt like he had always been in that darkness, and always would be.”
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer

Brandon Sanderson
“He'd never been an optimist. He saw the world as it was, or he tried to. That was a problem, though, when the truth he saw was so terrible.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings

Brandon Sanderson
“Passionate, with an intense, smoldering resolve. A leashed anger that he used, because he had dominated it. And a certain tempting arrogance. Not the haughty pride of a highlord. Instead, the secure, stable sense of determination that whispered that no matter who you were—or what you did—you could not hurt him. Could not change him. He was. Like the wind and rocks were.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“Adolin sighed softly. “Of course. He’s probably their leader now or something. Storming bridgeboy.”
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer

Brandon Sanderson
“You don't fly, you fall the wrong way.”
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer

Brandon Sanderson
“The Words, Kaladin. That was Syl’s voice. You have to speak the Words!



“I will protect even those I hate,” Kaladin whispered through bloody lips. “So long as it is right.”

A Shardblade appeared in Moash’s hands.

A distant rumbling. Thunder.

THE WORDS ARE ACCEPTED, the Stormfather said reluctantly.

“Kaladin!” Syl’s voice. “Stretch forth thy hand!” She zipped around him, suddenly visible as a ribbon of light.

“I can’t…” Kaladin said, drained.

“Stretch forth thy hand!”

He reached out a trembling hand. Moash hesitated.

Wind blew in the opening in the wall, and Syl’s ribbon of light became mist, a form she often took. Silver mist, which grew larger, coalesced before Kaladin, extending into his hand.

Glowing, brilliant, a Shardblade emerged from the mist, vivid blue light shining from swirling patterns along its length.

Kaladin gasped a deep breath as if coming fully awake for the first time. The entire hallway went black as the Stormlight in every lamp down the length of the hall winked out.

For a moment, they stood in darkness.

Then Kaladin exploded with Light.

It erupted from his body, making him shine like a blazing white sun in the darkness. Moash backed away, face pale in the white brilliance, throwing up a hand to shade his eyes.

Pain evaporated like mist on a hot day. Kaladin’s grip firmed upon the glowing Shardblade, a weapon beside which those of Graves and Moash looked dull. One after another, shutters burst open up and down the hallway, wind screaming into the corridor. Behind Kaladin, frost crystalized on the ground, growing backward away from him. A glyph formed in the frost, almost in the shape of wings.

Graves screamed, falling in his haste to get away. Moash backed up, staring at Kaladin.

“The Knights Radiant,” Kaladin said softly, “have returned.”
Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings: Book One of the Stormlight Archive

Brandon Sanderson
“That night, it rained on the other dogs, who slept outside in the cold barn, which leaked. But the little dog snuggled into a warm bed beside the fire, hugged by the farmer’s children, his belly full. And as he did, the dog sadly thought to himself, ‘I could not become a dragon. I am an utter and complete failure.’ The end.”
Brandon Sanderson, Rhythm of War

Brandon Sanderson
“Run. Flee. I'll chase you. I will never stop. I am eternal. I am the storm.”
Brandon Sanderson, Rhythm of War

Brandon Sanderson
“Besides, you scowl at everyone like an old man anyway. You'll be a great fit." Kaladin glowered at her. "Perfect! Keep it up!”
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer

Brandon Sanderson
“We take to the skies, Stormblessed," Lunamor said. "We will walk no more in coming days. This is the end.”
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer

Brandon Sanderson
“I doubt any dragon ever had it so good anyway.”
Brandon Sanderson, Rhythm of War

Brandon Sanderson
“I could not become a dragon. I am an utter and complete failure.”
Brandon Sanderson, Rhythm of War

Brandon Sanderson
“The bridgeman knelt on the stone, head bowed, shoulders slumped. Storms … Adolin had been forced to carry him away from the battle, numb and broken. Looked like that emotion had caught up to him again.

Kaladin’s spren—Adolin could only guess that was the identity of the pretty girl in blue—stood beside him, one hand resting protectively on his back. “Kaladin’s not well,” she said.

“I have to be well,” Kaladin said, his voice hoarse as he climbed back to his feet. His long hair fell across his face, obscuring his eyes. Storms. Even surrounded by monsters, the bridgeman could look intimidating.”
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer

Brandon Sanderson
“But the sky and the winds are mine. I claim them, as I now claim your life.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“I am unchained."


"I am ... mostly unchained.”
Brandon Sanderson, Rhythm of War

Brandon Sanderson
“El honor ha muerto”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Brandon Sanderson
“He killed one, Highmarshal,” Beard whispered from behind him. “Storms … he took one of them down. Grabbed on like he was mounting a storming horse, then rode the bastard through the sky.”
The woman studied him, and reluctantly Kaladin summoned Syl as a Shardblade. Noro’s eyes bulged, and Ved nearly fainted—though Beard just grinned.
“I’m here,” Kaladin said, resting the Sylblade on his shoulder, “on orders from King Elhokar and the Blackthorn. It’s my job to save Kholinar. And it’s time you started talking to me.”
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer

Brandon Sanderson
“Kaladin stopped, exhausted, leg screaming, and leaned against the wall. Shouldn't this be easier? Now that he'd made the decision, shouldn't he be focused, confident, energized? He felt none of that. He felt wrung out, confused, and uncertain.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

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